Friday He's my bow. When I am without her, the sun doesn’t shine as brightly. When I am without her, the clouds are dark and foreboding. When I am without her, the birds don’t sing as sweetly. When I am without her, the walls close in on me. When I am without her, in the depths of my hell, whispering her name sustains me. But, when I am with her, she lifts me up. When I am with her, I have the strength to move mountains. When I am with her, I can withstand anything. When I am with her, her smile warms my very soul. When I am with her, the angels sing her name. When I am with her, I fall in love all over again.
Beww BEWWW Beww (What?) That is the sound of the ambulance coming to pick me up because when I saw you my heart stopped
"Hey wanna come over to my apartment and watch Family Guy on my laptop (insert creepy smile)"--Worst pick up used on me ever Where do these people come from? I am terrible at this , I just like making friends with people, and if it happens, it happens.
If I had a nickel for everytime I saw someone as beautiful as you I'd have 5 cents. I'll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle