Pick Up Lines

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iLexiTheToughCookie, Oct 21, 2013.

  1.  X you leave my bow alone..
     would you like some fries with that shake?
  2. If you were any uglier than you are now.. I wouldn't be able to look at you.
  3. Friday 
    He's my bow.

    When I am without her, the sun doesn’t shine as brightly.
    When I am without her, the clouds are dark and foreboding.
    When I am without her, the birds don’t sing as sweetly.
    When I am without her, the walls close in on me.
    When I am without her, in the depths of my hell, whispering her name sustains me.
    But, when I am with her, she lifts me up.
    When I am with her, I have the strength to move mountains.
    When I am with her, I can withstand anything.
    When I am with her, her smile warms my very soul.
    When I am with her, the angels sing her name.
    When I am with her, I fall in love all over again.
  4. Do You Like Music? Because I Would Put Your Voice On Repeat
  5. you guys have some really good ones
  6. dont u tired?
    cos u keep running in my mind
  7. Are you from Tenessee cuz you're the only Ten-I-see
  8. Beww BEWWW Beww (What?) That is the sound of the ambulance coming to pick me up because when I saw you my heart stopped
  9. What’s a nice girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?
  10. Soooooooooo wanna go halves on a barstard?.

    Strangely it actually worked once.
  11. lets play Winnie the Pooh and get my nose stuck in your honey jar
  12. You must be a snickers because you satisfy me... (I wanna get chocolate wasted now )
  13. Want to test your vocal range? I can make it go to the highest. 

  14. If you were a Pokemon, I choose you! 
  15. Sexual mofos

    But day Pokemon one?
  16. "Hey wanna come over to my apartment and watch Family Guy on my laptop (insert creepy smile)"--Worst pick up used on me ever  Where do these people come from?  I am terrible at this , I just like making friends with people, and if it happens, it happens.
  17. Why did a blonde have the biggest bangers in 3rd grade?

    She was 21.
  18. how many pick up lines have we had in the past?
  19. If I had a nickel for everytime I saw someone as beautiful as you I'd have 5 cents.

    I'll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle 