To The People Of Pimd With Sexy In Their Name

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Peeta, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. ?I'm not sexy, I'm SMEXY.
  2. this is my real nameshould change it i think
  3. Im true to society. Im totally purple in reality. I may have to have died my four this color but hey who cares. Im purple now so suck it :D
  4. Ooooooh Jesus :shock: dyed my fur :shock: how did autocorrect get died my four :shock:
  5. Anya :shock: not real name?! NooooOOOOOOooooooooooo........... I feel so betrayed :(
  6. Sorry panda 

  7. 

    Going back to kaw
  8. Nope sorry iEx I'm not a cherry 

    I had one at one time  it got destroyed...

    IPop popped it 
  9. Im not really from wendys
  10. I really don't want people perving on me.
  11. How would you know peeta0.o ??hmm?
  12. SinnerOrSaint is my generalization of my whole personality. Its all my username. Its my signature. Planning on getting it tattooed too. But i have to donate blood first. Be nice first before being bad. ^^
  13. im just being sarcastic with my ign
  14. What my name makes sense..
  15. My name ain't misleading or is it??.. Now that I think about I have no clue what my name means screw it idc
  16. I have a z on my real name and i like hugs and maybe kisses