Cant wait for Candy Promo to Be Over

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Complete_Chaos-, Nov 1, 2013.

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  1. They hit more because they hit more? Lcbcs don't get double hits or anything, if you're tired of this then quit or try hitting the sigh bar once in a while
  2. she tried so hard to convince ppl she was right and already gave up lame
  3. How hard is it to figure out?  especially if you're some fancy stats person 
  4. Twerk get a life please your really stalking me now kinda scary
  5. its a public forum or u gonna say thats wrong to?
  6.  I just read partial but it was enough to say dat u wrong Bella. Everybody receive the same amounts of hits n easy parties.
  7. If u c somebody wit more hits it simple either dey hit sigh or lecture. N order sigh will give u more hits from full den lecture next snark and finally rave.
  8. Even the guy half your stats knows it 
  9. She called you twerk 
  10. if it autocorrects to that… That is just sad.
  11. When it's over join The Ninja Academy lol
  12. That's the problem with these pseudo intellectuals. .. they think they are never wrong.
  13. Op it doesn't matter how big you are, if 100 active players hit drink and be scary 10 times each it can be completed in 5 mins or less no matter what your stats are. For you to sit here and say that this favors lcbc is complete bullshit! The harder you party the more candies you get, it has nothing to do with stats.
  14. "Everyone depletes the same, but higher kcs have more hits" huh? That contradicts itself. I'm lcbc and an lbh ( oh no :eek: ) and I know lots who have already reached 1100 with smaller stats. Where is the argument is invalid GIF?
  15. Ikr Amanda she's just a major noob who needs to zip it already?
  16. 2x and 3x promos should go away so all the money thirsty ppl will too
  17.  Candy parties are ending? OMG, I can't wait until next month when we have our turkey parties  where we get to unleash a hidden treasure

    The game itself is trending towards the young  because I really dont think i have matured that much
  18. This thread made me laugh I think Bella should make some guides 
  19. I'm actually tired of all the promos. I want pimd to be back to normal
  20. Lmao! Y'all are arguing with your self haha now have a good time with that
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