Cant wait for Candy Promo to Be Over

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Complete_Chaos-, Nov 1, 2013.

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  1. Exactly! Everyone has an equal chance! And lets look at lbh clubs too, they don't care about your stats, if you come and help finish, they'll accept and you'll get fast candy,
  2. Bella I understand were you are coming from but I have to disagree with you. This candy promo has even the playing field for people with big and small stats. I have done pro parties and it takes way to long to collect "8" candies. Unfortunately being a LBH is the only effective way collect alot of candies. I stayed in a top 10 club that finished parties in record time and I still couldn't collect half has much candy if I had partied has a LBH. It is not about how big you are but more so how much work you invest in collecting candies. On a lighter note, I do agree that this party promo is starting to become undesirable. ATA... why wasn't there a special promo for Halloween? I guess you guys are busy in the Bahamas sipping a pina colada spending our money.
  3. Twerk check your IQ at the door please or post me statistics. Your opinion on what you THINK actually proves nothing. Candy hunters was just
    Created and for your info if you don't make 10 hits at least in each party which ppl I know with 200 kcs have a hard time doing in a few minutes over and over you get kicked. The regen time is too slow to keep up. So the question is are you stupid? Or just a troll.
  4. Mags not tru look at party history haha wow y'all really gonna make me do a statistic result on here to show you how you all look. Your defending a point that holds no facts. If your that upset I'll send it to ATA too so y'all can hear from them the statistical findings are very conclusive to my study
  5. my info is correct because this club was created from DA-PF Alliance who was doing this for weeks now. You are a little crying bitch who can't make 1100 candy so your going around blaming everyone and everything else. The names Tweak* btw that just proves u cant read either
  6. Give me statistics then.. No sorry I went to war to make money to ug. I'm not a lazy ass one hit bar hopper for one candy. Your ignorance just keeps growing... Stay in school 
  7. Dear noobs of Pimd,

    Please stop requesting 2x / 3x promos. They didn't exist before the summer. Tons of people LCBC without them. You really don't need them. If farming is too hard for you, quit.

    Miggs 
  8. Wars dont make u money dumbass pwars do yeah but those are almost exctinct. and iv 6 wars since promo has been on against club like Black and Blue and Black Gate Prison. Want my proof go look at war history or u keep telling your sad tale about how u failed and want to blame others
  9. been in*
  10. Oh and Twerk .. Yea that's your name BTW. Intellectual ppl don't need to curse because we can find real words to complete sentences. Haha good luck with that :) oh and by the way I am in PWAR!! NOOB
  11. Bella, you're asking for facts? But yet you just gave wrong info, "it's hard for a 200kcs to do 10 hits b2b"
    Lcbc, 14cs, 200kcs, 700kcs, whatever your damn stats are, we all have the exact same regain, we all regain 9% every 5 minutes. Players in clubs that do parties in under 5 minutes can get their 15 plus hits in and be able to do it b2b parties all day till they need to sleep.
  12. Oh and bella have fun seeing me in your newsfeed when i get home if i cant get u on my main it will be my alt. Want to cry? ill give u something to cry over
  13. War King your inaccurate because the amount of hits you can make depends on your kcs. So its much harder for a 200 kcs player to hit as much as a 800 kcs player. Hence being kcs do matter when fast completion is needed.
  14. When it comes to easy parties, which is the Lbh targeted parties, stats do not matter, every one has same facts are accurate. My 7kcs alt does the exact same number of hits as I do with this account, with no issues at all, even lower stats in clubs I've helped out can do it.

    Your facts are the inaccurate ones
  15. Bella, it's not true.
    A lot of clubs that finish parties in less than 5 min are accepting lower kcs. You just need to find them, I can wall you names if you want.
    I think it's possible to get 1100 in time, if you don't want to be LBH you can always stay in a club that finishes parties fast and get 40 per day. That should be enough to reach the target, but defends on how much candies you have now. Don't give up!
  16. Well everyone including me got off topic on this post. Its fine tho I have an angry noob trying to farm me cause he lacks the ability to cope. Everyone I appreciated your feed back always makes a good forum post. All that completed the candy goal congrats. I will send this and my statistics by club to ATA. Hopefully the next contest will be geared towards HC not just individual gain like I have said before but you never know. Sometimes things never change
  17. Lame everyone proves her wrong her wrong and she still thinks shes right
  18. Bella, you're wrong. Everyone's energy gets depleted the same amount based on what action they do
  19. Omg lol I give up haha I'll talk to game makes. Yes you deplete the same BUT HAVE MORE HITS. WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO COMPREND LMAO!
  20. Yup, everyone's energy depletes at the same rate while hitting the same bar in normal parties, doesn't matter if you're 14cs or lcbc
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