Cant wait for Candy Promo to Be Over

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Complete_Chaos-, Nov 1, 2013.

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  1. Event for home clubs: War Tournament, sign up as a club, similar to KaW war events...if they can do it there, why not here? If people aren't interested, make them interested with rewards, I don't see why they don't do this...
  2. I think thats a great suggestion and will make more HCs grow
  3. They wont bring 2x back cause summer promos over
  4. This promo is tiring.
  5. Bella, on the contrary, candy is much much easier and faster to get from easy parties, without the easy ones if probably have 5x less than I do.

    And I agree with Aiden and Raven because this truly is just a business
  6. ?And im tired of the promo too! I want good paying pro's. Im sick and tired if partying for candy.
  7. If they do it again it needs to be revised somehow or way shorter. Why be tagged a club? Just tag LBH. That's what your loyalty is too. HC should receive awards for completing these parties along with their members. The game would be more interesting and less about LBH.
  8. Mags, yes you are right that's why you have LCBC ppl all in one club defeating parties in minutes while the smaller clubs with lower kcs don't and take much longer. Higher kcs get more hits and can be way faster completing parties. Still my point stands proven.. Higher kcs get more candy.
  9. Not necessarily, yes we make more damage, but if you organize a club where everyone hits right away, even small players, you'll get done very quickly
  10. I wish ATA would post a list for all to see who got what candy by smount . I think that would prove my point more accurate. Either way we all have a right to our own opinion and I respect yours mags. Ty 
  11. For normal parties stats dont matter lmao the only time u should care for that is pros
  12. Ok did you just read this or just reply. Regular parties are being done by LCBC clubs that are not looking for lower kcs players. They are looking for time completion which is totally logical to receive the maximum amount of candy. You reply just made no sense. Do me a favor.. Hit all bcs clubs and vvv a few other lookat their history then dispute. Its called getting your facts together. I already did.
  13.  I got 99 problems but collecting candy ain't one.
  14. I can do this all day BTW. I can do clubs by statistics to how many candies have been given out. I would not have posted on a forum if I couldn't back up my claim. Your replys are still appreciated but you will be proven wrong by simple facts not me.
  15. Speaking of the dmg mechanic id like to see it tweaked a little to reflect on stats parties Max out on dmg output at too low of stats in my opionion. As for the promos I enjoy them but would like to see them focus more on war system soon I've waited since it came out to make it past beta testing. Enjoy my wall of text grammar police :p
  16. Lmao lust ty I think.
  17. They should have it to where every day you stay in your club you get a christmas cookie. And if you leave it takes a day for you to get another cookie.
  18. Nice Mr. Freeze I like it!! Thank you for getting back to the main point of this post!!!!! Xo
  19. Are u seriously stupid or something? look at candy hunt club they have lots of low members and complete parties in 3mins stats dont mean shit when u have 90 actives hitting
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