any one know how get rid of migraine?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. I would suggest going to a doctor. Asking random people for medical advice isn't always best especially for a situation like this. Until you can get into a doctor you need to get off your phone, stay in a dark room, keep yourself cool. Don't take medication if you don't feel safe doing so, don't drink or eat anything you don't feel safe with. Definitely see a doctor as they can prescribe something for the pain and tell you what dosage of the medication is safest and will give you ideas on how to manage the migraine. If it's getting to a point where you can't do anything, can't eat, sleep, get out of bed, get emergency help. It could always be more than a migraine, medical help is what's best. I hope you get better
  2. Bottom line, you need to go to a doctor. Here's some advice in the mean time. I don't have any experience with migraines, but I do know a fair bit about pain relief.

    I would stop taking the excedrin. It contains acetaminophen (tylenol), aspirin and caffeine. Tylenol and aspirin are pretty crappy pain killers. Apparently caffeine helps headaches, so I would either take caffeine pills or drink some coffee.

    This is probably the best pain relief you can get with over the counter drugs. Buy yoursef some 500mg acetaminophen (tylenol) and a bottle of 200mg ibuprofen (motrin, advil). Take 500 mg of tylenol every 6 hours and 600mg (3 tabs) of ibuprofen every 6 hours. Ibuprofen is a much better pain killer than aspirin, but they are similar drugs so you ccannot take them at the same time, which is why you should stop taking the excedrin.
  3. Look only take the drugs when u beed them but maby you need glasses ir if u hav them ask ur eye doctor if u need new ones or diff ones also if u hav braces or not that chuld cause a headache too but only take medicine when u need to
  4. Drink alit of water. Most headaches or migranes are caused by dehydration. Just keep drinking a lot of water, take 3 normal strength tylonol and lay down in a dark quiet area. Just rest and it should go away. Stay off of computers phones tvs and books and just let your head rest. That works every time for me
  5. Do what everyone tells you, then GET OFF YOUR PHONE. It's not going to help matters.
  6. Cold dark quiet room, cold compress across your eyes. No smells, sounds or light. Wait it out, and it will go quickly when it leaves.
  7. I suffer from severe migraines.... u need to see a doctor ASAP so they can find what triggers it and put u on a proper medicine regiment.
  8. Check what gives u migraine. Some foods can trigger it specially chocolate, or too much noise, light, smoke or lack of sleep or stress. Once u know what's causing it, will be easier for u to prevent having it. Don't ever self-medicate, good luck ツ
  9. Drink coke. Coke helps with migranes
  10. Sex is proven to stop migraines
  11. Run outside with a t shirt round your head making bird noises 
  12. You can not take more than 3 excedrine in 24 hours. If you took you last excedrine at 7:30am you have to wait until 7:30am the following day. I would recommend drinking some tea and laying down with no light or sound for a while. It'll help.
  13. Shake your head 15 times and tell me if it works
  14. Stop looking at your device. It's probably causing the migraine. (Eye strain)
  15. You simply kill yourself... All your problems go away
  16. Have sex..... Intercourse.
  17. Soak your hands and feet in hot water while u have a nice pack on your neck and base of your head. I read it works but never tried it personally.
  18. Tylenol is awful for your liver...just letting everyone who continues to say Tylenol know that. 