Requests for PIMD Drawings

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Meagan, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. Can you draw the Goth Girl avatar with my name? ? I understand you're busy and it'll probably take a while. just wall me if you finish it, you'll get a generous gift!
  2. These pictures are very good.
    Well done :)
  3. Can you draw my face?  Like my real face?  I'll send you the pic on that third party app we all use.
  4. Yes, thanks Ricc (Tbh, you're in a surprise) and yes :p
  5. Me please. My Ava with my name "ric_lue" thanks 
  6. These drawings are amazing :3
  7. your drawings are really good!
  8. Can you do a v formation one?  thanks
  9. thanks! And yes!
    I'll start on some of these tonight.
  10. How do you post pics
  11. Thank you 
  12. Can you make one with my avi and name on her shirt or across her boobs or something 
  13. 18 requests lol.... I'll try to get all these done by this week
  14. Looks like you got some work to do Meggy.  Good luck. 
  15. better than the homework I don't have. Lol
  16. Thanks and good luck 