How do you think the promos have affected clubs .

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by afif-_-, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. Well I was lkinda happy with these promos but due to those pro promos i dint get much chace to be in my home club and the reason why it got disbanded. Small clubs might have got disbanded more . Pls share your thoughts .
  2. It affects clubs with disloyal members tremendously but certain clubs have 50-69 members thaat never left afew days into promos. Now I personally feel those are both positive. I wouldnt want to be in a club where everyone would leave at the drop of a dime when i thought we were friends. I would love to know all my members are loyal and we would sacrifice candy/rewards for one another.

    Now I know old pattie jokes around quite a bit but the promos have shown a lot of folks true colors and you can't dislike that.
  3. simply it ruined clubs good job pimd on promoting the social conext of the game
  4. Meh, these extra pay promos made lots of people greedy. This candy hunt showed another player's true colors.

    But eh, who gives a flying fuck ?
  5. Well said Billingsworth 
    Pretty much true this candy exposed
    true colors of some(maybe many) lol !
  6. Billingsworth said what I was going to. If club owners etc are looking to see who is loyal and who is a freeloader, now they know. When people need help, they'll remember
  7. I have avoided making any comments on the LBH subject in forums but I have to say I fully agree with Billingsworth on the matter of club loyalty. Just like life, however, you can't change people's selfish attitudes whether you like it or not.
  8. Ppl are ppl and they show their true colors in these selfish promos
  9. I agree with Billingsworth. Luckily, a lot of my members are good friends and if they do merc, it's to help out in wars and not for the candies. When we party, I've seen several people who join and leave right away when they see we aren't on the last bar. Not saying everyone does that, but the majority do. My members have given up on the candy hunt. We would rather have fun together warring then going crazy over these promos.
  10. Well basically their hidden motives r out . They put club loyalty second and put their greed first .
  11. There is also positive effect on smaller clubs. With this promo they can easily complete easy parties which they have hard time completing before. These are usually the clubs that ask for lbh at campus. Lbh gets easy candy and small clubs also finish the party faster.
  12. It hasn't really affected my club, as we host candy parties. We use these Lbhs to our advantage.
  13. I dont 'party merc' but if I did I wouldn't give a fuck. I play for myself. I dont play to satisfy others..... lol.
  14. But the summer promo kinda destroyed clubs .
  15. There is good n bad at these promos. Personally, disloyalty has been happening like FOREVER in this game as far as I'm concerned. The promos onli escalated it further. Cos behind the avatar there is a real person playing it. Peace. 