rare item drop rate@.@

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -TGS-_-DevilMeteor-, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Does rare item drop rates drop as ur stats get higher???or isit just unluckiness?
  2. They drop randomly even for higher stats players.

    by OhSnap
    on Thu Oct 17 , 2013 9:38 am

    Yup so true, I don't even have any!
  3. No. The drop rate sucks. Some people seem to have loads and hit next to no times, others work hard and get nothing.
  4. I haven't gotten anything. I agree with casp. I hit parties like crazy and never have gotten anything
  5. Im up to 4 
  6. Drop rate sucks for me. RKS drops two items. After over 60 parties, I managed to get one drop...the wings. Still no dirty poster. I do, however have my level 5 award...but you'd think as active as I am that I would have more than just wings....
  7. i thought it was just me.. welcome unlucky players
  8. Random drop.

    Sort if like a fat kid choosing vegetables over chocolate cake with ice cream.
  9. Same as Liz.

    Ive done RSK around 60 times and only just got the wings. Its the only drop I have.

    It does appear some have better "luck" then others lol
  10. I've tried every variable I can think of to get drops from # of hits to $ earned.

    I still get nothing. :(
  11. ?pimd hates us Raven
  12. I've decided to help PIMD by submitting a feedback for every completed party I don't get a drop in. All in an effort to track my drop rate. I encourages others to do the same. Please help them. They obviously need it.
  13. I've done rks over 60 times and got a big fat nothing
  14. I have no drops what so ever.
  15. Lol even on X10 drop rate day I don't get them
  16. M unlucky in drops too did 50+ RKS still managed to get the wings no poster