They drop randomly even for higher stats players. _____________________________________ by OhSnap on Thu Oct 17 , 2013 9:38 am Yup so true, I don't even have any!
No. The drop rate sucks. Some people seem to have loads and hit next to no times, others work hard and get nothing.
I haven't gotten anything. I agree with casp. I hit parties like crazy and never have gotten anything
Drop rate sucks for me. RKS drops two items. After over 60 parties, I managed to get one drop...the wings. Still no dirty poster. I do, however have my level 5 award...but you'd think as active as I am that I would have more than just wings....
Same as Liz. Ive done RSK around 60 times and only just got the wings. Its the only drop I have. It does appear some have better "luck" then others lol
I've tried every variable I can think of to get drops from # of hits to $ earned. I still get nothing.
I've decided to help PIMD by submitting a feedback for every completed party I don't get a drop in. All in an effort to track my drop rate. I encourages others to do the same. Please help them. They obviously need it.