Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKevinTheTimeTraveller, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Okay. Im here again to rave and give my opinion on something nobody else cares about.
    anywho, this whole LBH thing has gotten wayyyy out of control.
    to break it down for those who are still in the dark (including me, i just found out moments ago) LBH is the name used for people who join parties at the last bar usually because they want candy.
    besides the fact that a lot of clubs dont want any LBH to join at last bar, some clubs are telling lies about last bar to get LBH to join them. Can clubs just go back to advertising the normal way and leave out this last bar business? Its getting very annoying for my taste and im tired of joining clubs that are about to fail a party that is way behind and are cheating lbh.
    is there no end to the madness.
    (please keep the negativity to a minimum, everyone has their own troubles so if you want to troll, do so, but be use constructive criticism, not destructive criticism)
  2. So clubs are cheating the last bar hitters? lol
  3. I got LezBeHonest from the title .
  4. Why LBH? Why not just call it as they are? Leeches?
  5. Last Bar!
    maybe not 
  6. Oh so that's a LBH
  7. I thought it was a lingo for lez bi hetro?
  8. lol me too dork
  9. We hetros are recognised!! Oh wait no..
  10. Last Bar Hitter