Did you know English has over 9000 syllable sounds while Japanese only had about 110? And that's why I'm learning Japanese. FUN FACTS ABOUT MARSHMALLOW!
English is the only language I speak, and I hate it. So much can go wrong and I barely speak correctly.
French is closer to Spanish than it is to English so of course it'll be hard. There's people who speak French and surely think English is the hardest language ever.
Since when is spanish hard? i know people who've learned spanish just by watching TV series English isn't that hard, it's mainly the pronounciations of words and letters being where they shouldn't that makes it a 'hard' language to learn. I've hated the word Island ever since grade 1 coz it has a bloody 's' in it
It was an example lol. Still, some people find Spanish, as well as any other language to be difficult.
English is one of the easiest languages on the planet, I'm not English native, I'm Latin root native speaker, go have fun with Latin based grammars and u'll all wish to just speak English
Answer the following for yourself (no posted answers please). Given a choice, I'd rather be hugged _______ eaten by a bear. 1) THEN 2) THAN Would you be eaten? If you don't know then you might want to learn.