Name: Lucifer(Luke) Species: Demon Age: 18 Appearance: Special Abilities •Shadow Manipulation/Travel •Metamorphosis( Shaping shifting into other people) Weakness •None*^*lol jk •Water Extra •Very shady •Never on anyone's side but his •Can not be trusted •He's very beautiful(that how he lures in his prey?) Bio Luke was one of those "outsider" back when he was alive. You could never throw him in a group, like the nerds or jocks. He always had a different persona everyday. One day he could be flashy and bold and the next dark and cruel, and everyone excluded him. Luke decided he was tired of his lonely life, no friends, no family, no love, so he drove off a cliff and drown in the same gorgeous, yet toxic lake his parents die in and name him after, Lake Lucifer.
Angel Jack 16 His weakness is ice and cold. He is made weak in cold environments. He is irresponsible, immature, Innapropriate and just downright rude. He grew up as a good friend of Brian's, he made a promise that he would try to help him through life, when one day he approached him about his Mercing job, so Jack accepted and became his partner.
Alice (Her "real" name is Thrynda) Age: 17 Weakness: She's insane at times. Mental instability can lead to overlooking obvious things or not realizing she's in a trap, but also makes her unpredictable and wildly violent, despite not being a very strong fighter physically. Power: She can teleport. Not infinite lengths, but it can't be interrupted if it's started. She uses it to dodge attacks constantly, or to surprise/catch up with fleeing or unsuspecting targets.
Sure The wind is whistling through the dying trees, the earth as we know it is dying. Cities are being abandoned. Streets deserted. A war as become. A war behind good and bad. King and Evil, heaven and Hell. God and The Devil
Flames: -Squatting down on a tree, my red eyes scanning my surrounding. My white hair fluttered around My face as a Gush of wind whistles past me. I sat quiet listening for sound. Listening for movement.-