Species: Angel Name: Bryan Sorenson Age: 17 Special abilities: Phoenix mimicry,telekinesis and can become invisible.(if possible) Weakness: can become mad real fast even to the point of killing anyone and has issues trusting anyone Extra: it's unknown where he comes from but he works as a mercenary ever since he came to earth.
Angel Destiny 16 Minor reality-bending, i.e. making objects disappear from existence and create objects from thin air, erasing people from existence ((she can't do this yet)), and changing laws of physics ((she can't do this yet either)). So, basically, all she can currently do is erase objects from existence and create things from thin air. People; other angels and demons. She's not a people-person. Also, her low powers in reality-bending. Destiny was born blind in her left eye, so she keeps it covered with her hair or an eyepatch. Destiny lived in poverty in a small town of Missouri. She had gotten leukemia and wasn't treated because her parents had little to no money to get treatment. She died a few months later. ? Demon Arethusa Ability to travel and make things through shadows. The sun and places that don't have large shadows. Arethusa has lived in Hell her whole life. She's been killing everyone she's been told, like an assassin. Because of this, she was sent to use her skills to destroy everyone in her way.
Fallen angel Echo 17 Manipulation Physical fighting that requires strength Stealthy and quick -- fights from the shadows rather than head-on. Loves killing people and has a scar on her back where the wings were. She was the youngest of a super-religious family and never liked her family's way of thinking. If she had died any later, she would have been sent to hell, but her whole family died in a car crash and went to heaven. The angels realized their mistake pretty quickly and ripped off her wings and sent her to hell.
Warhad anyone can join! And it's an App called Photobucket. Theres a thread for that. And Rhy hold your horses!
Species: Angel Name: Ariel Age: 15 Appearance: Special Abilities: •Healing(minor, as in non-life threatening) •Mind Sharing Weakness •Any loud sound Extra: She doesn't speak much, not necessarily shy, just not gregarious Bio: Ariel was a the perfect child. Always did what her mother and father told her, got along with her siblings, and make good choices at school and amongst her peers. Unfortunately, she lost her sense of sound during a mistake gone wrong in her aunt's recording booth. One day, Ariel took a wrong turn on her way back home, and got lost in a densely pack forest. Her parents searched high and low for her, but did not succeed; Ariel died in the wild. Name: Lucifer(Luke) Species: Demon Age: 18 Appearance: