Hidden Truths

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. ※〜※〜※

    "Now, where were we?"

    "Um… I-I was just saying that I, er, needed to get to class," Leirra stuttered, backing towards the door.



    "Leirra, I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

    "…You're sorry? For k-killing me?"

    "Killing you? Where on earth did you get that idea?"

    "Well, I always refused to put out for you. And since 'Banged Every Girl Except One' didn't sound too good, you decided to eliminate that one girl instead."

    "What?" He gave an incredulous laugh. "I was crazy before, but not that crazy. Besides, I've changed now."

    "Oh really? Then what about that huge knife?" She regretted the words as soon as she said them. What if he changed his mind about killing her and was looking for a way out?

    "I was making steak for my fiancée and me. It's our anniversary, which is why we had that party. And by the way, I'm really sorry about the way I acted as a teenager. And about how I dragged you in here. I didn't want to expose my player past to everyone, and seeing you might have made everyone assume the worst.

    "But I'm in love now. It's not because she's rich -- her dad owns a high-end cosmetics line with some pretty heavy duty makeup and shit -- it's because she's kind. Funny. Loving. Beautiful. I really love my fiancée, Leirra, and I know you might not believe me, but I feel you should at least believe my apology. Because that's one of the most sincere things I've ever said."

    Leirra blinked. "Wow. Okay."

    He chuckled nervously as if unsure what to say. "So… wait, but why were you so hell-bent on getting me to admit I attempted to kill you?"

    "Terrence… someone poisoned my drink."

    "Holy shit. Are you sure?"

    "Dead sure." Then, as an afterthought, she hastily added, "No pun intended."

    "No fucking way. I never let anyone near the drinks!" Terrence exclaimed. He furrowed his brow. "Wait. There was one guy hanging around me the whole time…"


    "What was his name? Oh right, it was-"

    Suddenly the sound of shattering glass exploded in their ears. Minuscule, glimmering fragments were everywhere, shooting into the air, slicing thin crimson ribbons into her skin, even embedding themselves into the walls. The culprit of the wreckage thudded into the wooden door. It was a bullet.

    "Oh my god," Leirra choked out. "Are you okay?"

    "Yeah, I-" Terrence's words were cut off for a second time by an awful gurgling noise she realized came from him.

    "What-?" She looked over and gasped in horror. A knife was buried in his neck, scarlet blood already soaking his shirt collar.

    Leirra didn't know what she was thinking. She was barely even thinking at all. But instead of calling the police, she ran over the the window. A shadowy figure was standing outside, slowly slinking away.

    As soon as the murderer saw Leirra, he or she broke into a fun. But she still wasn't thinking. Her brain had gone into a state of almost-shock. So Leirra only saw one option.

    She ran after him.


    I'm so tired omg I only got 2-4 hours of sleep last night so I didn't proofread it'll suck kthxbai~
  3. That gurgle noise

    I don't but if you ever watched Spongebob and you seen one of the scene transitions- the bubbly ones with the bubble noise-that's how I imaging gurgling. A bit more guttural though. 

    Ok now that the sound of verbs are covered lets move on to the actual story I feel so sad for his fiancée although I don't know who she is....BUMPplus I really don't care about Terrence
  4. Never watched spongebob before…  and in case you didn't pick it up the fiancée's the same one who gave makeup to Chris. Never mentioned her by name, but I just had the best idea for a side story about her!

    One thing at a time, Sammi. I never finish stories anyways so it wouldn't work.
  5. ohmy
  6.  your gonna finish this one with me though!!
  7. Yes, this one is definitely getting finished.
  8.  Found it Sammi!!
  9. Wow you're good
  10. ️ Thank you!
  11. WHEN U R GONNA UPDATE??? I've been lurking this thread for ages awaiting an update and haven't gotten one...
  12.  lurker  but.......

  13. Its been over a month already...u should update already...
  14. I agree. Kay should update. Sorry about the wait. We're a bit lazy.
  15. Please continue the story its a bit interesting.:)