
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Pickle, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Smh smh smh smh smh smh.
    BL hit me once when I had 69b out!!!!!
    I declar u my knew open milk shack.
    The nub always wants attention so she goes around hitting people, like what the heck!?
    What's your problem?
    Some people carry large amounts of monies on hand.
    Smh smh smh smh smh
  2. You'll go dizzy shaking your head that many times?
  3.  yay  I finally got one. Thank you spanking  I just wish I knew if you payed well or not ? perhaps I was sleep pimd'ing
  4. That noodles is a real jerk she bullied me when she was my pupil in tc overall ill give a her  but let the record show she keeps a tidy dungeon
  5. I knew you loved my dungeon tweak  all those seconds I put into decorating it for you, even gave you your own sega  you're welcome
  6. you didnt get me the window i wanted though and the sega had a broken controller
  7. You had a hole in the wall for air  not even grateful you got that
  8. Wasnt the same and u know it
  9. ? Nita, Nita, Nita.. ? I met her when she visited Republic.. She was all sweet and lovely? and Aussie, like me  and get this  she'd say hi to me on campus, right? And send me gifts..  But it took forever til she followed me  like, wth? 
  10.  she stole my chocolate. ??? make her drop stats OP!!
  11. My idea was stolen Nita I'm not happy
  12. Nooooooooodles for the win
  13. She followed me back almost immediately ?
  14. My random has a thread too my ladies see popular
  15. She followed me first 
  16.  I applaud you noodles
  17.  I love you guys 
    It wasn't my fault Jen ? it was all chocolatyicious
    I'm sorry ahli ? we are bff's now though 
    It's ok honey ? I still got one and you're here now 
    Either 
    Sam  I'm ready to kick some behind in your ww
  18. Of course I did stars 
    Thanks miggs 
  19. Nita are u beatin up people again