
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Smoke_Weed_Everyday, Oct 1, 2013.

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  1. Nah, she knows if we were even stats I would own her ass. She has always known it and she will forever know that if we had even stats I would win. Simple as that 

    Actually we were pretty much already in a 1 vs 1 Cherry, we were farmin each other so a. 1 vs 1 was already in so yea 
  2. So no 2v1 Kyle?
  3. I did answer your point right there  and if she wants to be a badass and wants everyone to actually think she is one, she wouldn't have a problem accepting now would she? 
  4. Prove it Kyle, upgrade.
  5. ️ I seem to remember you being almost 100kcs bigger than me and still fail farming me when we were noobs.

    ? invalid argument.

    You'd lose either way. Stop crying.  you're only embarrassing yourself.
  6. Iv ug twice for her but sadly she won't let me us my stats for good and farm  if I was lcbc I wouldn't have a problem doing what we do now, it would be entertaining 
  7. So since you are avoiding my question ill take that as a no kyle
  8. Actually gnome, if I remember right I unloaded on you and got around 10/15 hits if I remember right and in the sfw you were well over 100 over me and you got 5 through? Something like that and also Miggs and 5 others were on me 
  9. ? I vote op lcbc's instead of crying about it being unfair. But in the mean time, carry on. We're amused  popcorn anyone?
  10. You had a question Wallace?
  11. So I guess I can say this..... WHOSE THE BITCH NOW?

    Count it!
  12. well lcbc then lol

    Geez its simple. Why should she drop her hard earned stats for your convenience.
  13. I would lcbc, rather wait till I lcbc and we continue then? Winner resets?  Sense I up everyother day it wouldn't take long to be lcbc so if you would like a challenge, here's a good one gnome 
  14. I believe I asked twice, as clear as the sky is blue, to have a 2v1.
  15. Also farming isnt about being fair lol

    Shes not going to help you by dropping stats lol
  16. You do realize someone lower stats challenged you to a 1v1 op which you refused to do. And yet you want her to? Hmmm interesting. And would you have dropped stats for that individual

  18. Why 2 vs 1? I would be just a fun moo moo then 
  19. How about she does what she wants lol

    Obviously you arent handling this very well 
  20. Ohh  who needs tv 
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