Who do u rate as best pup?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Matoaka, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. ---Seppy--- he is awesome
  2. -BCS-iAmorLikeToSpankQueeny-
    Wasn't my first pupil (of course) but she did keep me from 10kcs to 100kcs-ish so she did do a lot for me and I appreciate it a lot even though we had some problems.

    My new pupil is -_A_-TheRoamingGnome and I lubbs her ️ she's amazeballs . She gives me rp daily 
  3. Best pup on this game LoyalMoney.
    I must say she's extremely kind and funny. I'm glad you hired me. Thank you for showing me right from wrong. Thank you for enlightening me all the way and never giving up on me Thank you for showing me that I can make my own money with out depend on volleys  but yea. Love you 
  4. Drm_ninja_zombi3 is the best pupil ever becouse he helps me when i need it
  5.  ReHaB_MarvinTheMuffinMan is the best pupil I've had!! 
  6. I could'nt ask for a better pup then the one i have now he puts up with all my noobish questions and he is also the most amazing friend 

    Oh, and LEOTHECOOL <444444
  8.  Its lovely knowing which pup raised u 
  9. Kian06, He's always there and he's an awesome pup!:)
  10. Myzterious-WinterLovesSpring- better known as Myz or Yesi

    Ive had a lot of nice and kind pupils who have guided me but shes just the absolute best pup. 
  11. One of the best puppies is golden retriever dogs
  12. All of my pups have been awesome. I've had 4 pups & they've each helped me. My pup now is MF-FK_DADDYM3-MF, hes helped me the most. Volleys with me, sends gifts, & answers any & all questions i have.
  13. All these good pups…
  14. -VvV-Lopez- 
  15. iv loved all my pupils they helped me grow, taught me how to play this game, qnd have been amazing friends
  16.  Fleur!!!! She's always been there for me with everything! She's like the big sister I never had!!!
  17. Mine was RS_Vakaytay she awesome and heps everytime when i needed help
  18. The only pupil I remember having....DRM-Inoni-Ossum. She bought me when I was just an itty bitty noob and help me grow to an lcbc noob. Lol. She taught me the game and still gives me advice when I need it. Love ya sis!
  19. well um ima start from who I remember

    The founder of sinners & saints HONEY was a GREAT pupil even though she aint find my jokes funny and threatened to farm me lol but NOW she loves me again♡either way she was great.

    MrsKill/iAnna Was a GREAT pupil but I ticked her off for ticking me off lol but the past is the past she was great to me.

    Bcs-iamorspankqueeny was a GREAT pupil until she started trippen on idk what and going craaaybut she was cool she had me when I was like 30kcs lol even though we dont talk she was cool.

    Hmmm ZU-iWorshipKdO WAS GREAT I miss him havent spoke to him in forever but he was really good 

    Licky was a GREAT pupil I purposely ticked him off. (Its just my thing) I like to know peoples true colors but licky was great we used to farm eachother talk crap to eachother act like we aint know eachother then love eachother all over again LOL♡

    & last pup ever hopefully is the ONE & ONLY BLUE hes the best of the best amazing I love him and his weirdness I tick him off but he handles it very well YAY♡ but I'm a great tutor to him I can't complain