Dorm suggestion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Sg-Gav-_-, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. I have 2b, but I dun know what to do to my dorm. I have all T3 crew and two T2 crew. I know its a bad arrangement so I need you guys to help me!! Thanks a lot !!!!! ;)
  2. There's a guide to help you upgrade correctly
  3. You can upgrade how ever you like , what ever suits your needs at the time . Asuming your farming someone specifically. Chose your own stats. It works for me :)
  4. Choose your own stats that is what i am doing it i will hit LCBC in my own way i am not following the guides
  5. Thx for your advice ppl!!
  6. Personally, id make sure your t3s are all level 4,and then start replacing with level 2 t4s