Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PnB_Wicked_tailwhip, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. Besides the bank account thing... RL >
  2. What is this real life thing ppl keep talking about can i buy it in a in app purchase?
  3. know a lot of people say money, but, as much as it would be nice, money isn't everything.

    Pimd is better than real life, for none other than meeting new people. Even though, probably never going to probably meet them, they take away most of the real life troubles for a while.

    But truthfully, real life all the way.
  4. Get A Life
  5. Come on now ghost stop being mr grumpy bum
  6. On pimd my martini glass is never empty.
  7. i have friends on pimd
  8. I can fight and dance without starting drama ?
  9. There's some real good posts on there , ;-) cool . You have all fallen into the matrix,lol good to see .lol hard core fans out there!!!
  10. Foot I only tongue my phone when I see you post 
  11. What do you do when you see me wifey? 
  12.  I see on pimd chicks have "babies" and then once they break up with their man. And find a new one. They have more babies and forget the old ones.  it's sorta funny.
  13. cuz the world is hunted with lingering ghosts.