Going To Be A Dad!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jake_SkilletFan, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. congrats!!
  2. Thanks everyone! :)
  3. Congratulations and an easy pregnancy for the mother!!
  4. Congratss
  5. Congrats a baby is a blessing
  6. Congratulations! 

    I'm really sorry that I am going to do this, but I have just discovered this gif
  7. Good luck. You'll need it. :p
  8.  congratulations and enjoy every minute and cherish every memory. Babies grow up so fast. Best of luck and I hope the pregnancy is as wonderful an straight forward as it can be 
  9. Caribou I love it XD!!!! Lol and thank you everyone and I'm sure in a few months I'll be making a thread for emotional women during pregnancy and the gender I want to keep a secret from you all till the baby is born lol will keep you all updated and our wedding is in December
  10. Oo maybe twins?! Congrats again Jake
  11. I'm gonna be scared of it's twins! Double the trouble lol
  12. Jake best of luck keep us updated on how she is doing I'm so excited for you.
  13. Congrats!
  14. Real life couple, right?
  15. Congrats! Even though i dont know you.  wishing for a smooth and easy pregnancy w/o complications for your wife. 