I was going to write...but than I got sidetracked again... I promise promise promise I will write tomorrow and Sunday. I'm a bit, what's the word... LAZY! Garfield lazy to be specific. Blame my boyfriend. He's the lazy one and it's rubbing off on me. So, yeah. I will write because I do have ideas for the next chapter and I do have the best ideas for the last chapter!
NOPE! I still have 17, 18, 19, and 20 plus the extra chapter! And, I can't wait to show you guys chapter 18! And 19! You'll hate and love me! And then 20! And then the extra chapter! Ash's chapter! Oh, so eventful!
Oh my gosh, I am not proof reading this because I love the ending so much all I can do is just gush and bounce. But seriously, we all have a best friend like Macy. Trust Me, we all do! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 16 James hugs me and kisses me, but I don’t react. All I see is the shock on Ash’s face and on Jasper’s. I can’t even believe what I just replied! I mean, I never expected myself to say yes. I’m in for the worst now. James places the ring on my finger ad I all I do in look down at it. A small diamond with a gold band is what he picked. I’m not one to like diamonds. They are too common. Like clichés and what is happening with my life. “Look at her, she’s so happy she’s in shock,” my mother coos, causing me to snap out of it and grab Jasper’s hand. “I’ll talk to you guys later. Right now, I’m going to chat with Jasper and call Keith to tell him the news,” I explain as I head up the steps. Jasper doesn’t object; rather, he pulls himself out of my grip and follows behind me. I hear a door slam, clearly in anger – most likely Ash, I think – and I wince at the sound. Yeah, maybe I should have said the right thing, no. “Jasper, call Keith, now, and put him on speaker,” I command, throwing my phone at him. He does as I tell him, giving me a glare. “What?” “You said yes?” he asks in an irritated tone. “It’s so obvious you’re in love with Ash, and yet you say yes?” “I’m sorry, I panicked! And I didn’t want to break his heart. I love James too, but as a friend. I just can’t take it in my hands and throw it on the ground and stomp on it until it bleeds. It’s not right. And you, why didn’t you tell me you and Macy started dating?” “You’ve been cooped up in your damn room! How the hell was I supposed to come in and tell you when you were lying in bedwith Ash and mourning over Ryan’s death?” “Never say his name,” I hiss through gritted teeth. “Get over it! Now, Keith, you there?” “I’ve been listening to you guys squawk since you started. Yeah, I’m here. Shannon says hi, too.” “Tell her hi back!” I chirp, my mood suddenly changing. Ugh, I know what this means. Damn you Mother Nature. “So, Keith did you hear the news?” “Something about you saying yes. Did James finally propose?” “Yes, and I said yes. Am I an idiot?” “Yes. You are, how the hell do you say yes when the guy you love is standing right there?” Jasper barks at me. “I panicked, dammit. And it’s your fault! If you had told me earlier that you and Macy finally got together, then I wouldn’t have said yes. I would have told our thick headed parents that I was in love with Ash. Then he would know, James would have to find another girl, I would help, Ash and I would be together, and you and Macy would live happily ever after! But, nope, you didn’t tell me!” “It isn’t his fault, Heather,” Keith interjects. “Yes, it is,” I retort to the phone angrily. “I wouldn’t have said yes!” “Heather, you have too good of a heart to just turn him down like that. You would have eased him off rather than just blurting out that you were not in love with him. You said yes because that’s you. You may pretend that you are brave and such, but you are weak, and even weaker now because of Ryan’s death.” “Quit saying his name!” I squeak. “It’s hard enough just to think it. And I am not soft hearted!” “You are,” they tell me in unison. “I’m not! It’s Jasper’s fault, and you know it!” “It is not my fault! Look here; let’s say Ash and you were together.” “I wish.” “Let me finish. And let’s say he told you he had to leave. He told you to not wait for him. What would you do?” “Do what he told me to do, of course.” “No, you would freak out and you wouldn’t move on until you saw him again. It’s just like now with his death. You still aren’t over it. You still mourn. You still cry. And as much as you tell me that you don’t cry, don’t you dare tell me you don’t right now, because you do. Do you not get it?” “Jasper has a point, Heather, honey,” Keith tells me, and I can practically hear him nodding in agreement. Guys. “I don’t believe you guys.” “Look at the facts, Heather. You said yes to James five years ago. You went to into cheerleading for him just because he asked you to. You do what he asks you to. Why? You don’t ever want to hurt anyone. You help everyone, you push yourself too hard, and you give yourself false hopes that things will be perfect. But, face it; your life isn’t going to be perfect.” “I don’t believe that!” “You do!” they retort. It’s like they are the twins instead of Keith and Isaac. It’s getting annoying right now. And they really, really need to stop telling me lies about myself. I know myself well enough, right? “Come on guys, really? Name one instance where I do what you are suggesting.” “Ryan.” My blood seems to be on fire when they say his name, but then I think. They kinda are right, I guess. I tried too hard to keep Ryan safe, I guess. And then I told myself that he would come out of that stupid coma. That he would wake up and ask me what’s wrong when he saw me crying. That he would hug me to no end when he realized that he was in a coma for the last year. That he would promise me that everything would be alright. But obviously, that didn’t happen. “Anything else?” I ask them hesitantly. “Ash.” I wince as my blood runs cold. Okay, now they are totally right. I would jump into a burning building for him. I was really, really hoping that we could at least date. But, really, I care about Ash a lot, perhaps too much for my own good. But, I’m come to fall so hard in love with him. And I would much rather jumping into that burning building than see him die. “Oh, my gosh, I can’t even…” I whisper, falling to sit on my bed. “You’re right, as much as I hate to admit it. It’s my fault. I could have said no or give me time to think, but I just said yes.” I give a false, shaky laugh. “It’s my fault.” “Heather, it isn’t,” Jasper sighs. “Look, maybe it is, but it’s partially Mom’s fault for pressuring James to proposing. Everyone knew, and I know you did, but like I said, Mom and Jenny were so keen on him proposing.” “Wait, they forced him to propose? They know that it’s a violation of their contract!” “Have you told Macy about you falling in love with Ash?” Keith blurts, causing me to almost scream. I can’t tell my best guy friend, sure, but that doesn’t mean I can’t tell Macy. I am such a horrible best friend. I mumble as many profanities as I can think of under my breath and I grab my phone. “I’m going to have to call you back. I have to tell Macy before she finds out way too late or doesn’t find out at all.” “Alright, I’ll talk to you later, Heather.” I hang up and I quickly call up my best girl friend. “Heather, hey congrats on the engagement!” Macy exclaims. “Yeah, don’t,” I tell her and I hear her make a noise of confusion. “Macy, I have to tell you something I’ve known for a while but I’ve totally forgot to tell you because all this shit going on and the fact that you haven’t been talking to Jasper just recently. Oh, and have I told you that it took you two way too long to start dating.” Jasper sends me a glare, making hand gestures for me to stop. “Oh, and he says hey, love.” Jasper hisses at me before leaving. I love teasing him. “Aw, that’s cute. Tell him I said hi, love back at him. But, what do you want to tell me?” “Okay, so you know how you showed me the contract all those days ago? Well, see here, after when I went to meet Ash, we sorta almost kissed. Now, don’t freak out, ‘cause I’m not done telling the story. So, later, you heard me an James fighting at my party. Well, it was about Ash and he was totally jealous about us! But then, later, we almost kissed again at the hospital in Ryan’s room when I went to visit. And then I talked to Jasper and Keith about me totally mixed feelings about Ash and how I thought that I loved his hair and that I loved his eyes and weird stuff like that and you will never believe the conclusion!” “You are in love with him, bitch! Why are you not marrying him?!” she screams through the phone. “Because I didn’t want to hurt James’ feeling, bitch! By the way, you are being my maid of honor.” “Yay, so oh my gosh, what will the theme be?” And we continue planning my wedding throughout the rest of the day and night, completely fangirling like we don’t know anything else. Too bad Ash isn’t the groom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am that best friend, for the record. I am so much like Macy when it comes to freaking out. So, yeah, we are close to chapter 18! My favorite chapter! Next to chapter 20. Oh, an the next chapter will have someone a certain fan will freak out over. Because this character has her name. It's Shannon. Shannon will freak out because you'll be able to see a lot of Shannon in the next chapter. So, yeah, that's all. I'm super hyper, so I need to blow off some steam. Love ya lovies! ~Shana Alana
I was going to something like that, but then Jen gave me a better idea I am going to use and give an amazing ending! So, no, but you'll see cuz I'm going to post chapters 17, 18, 19, and 20 all on Sunday! Or would you guys rather me lengthen out when I post all the chapters?
I haven't even started chapter 17, guys. I'll work on it soon, and I haven't started on chapter 20 either. Or the extra chapter. I'm very busy.
Woo! Guess who has an update! I do! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 17 I purse my lips, not knowing what to say. Currently, I’m at my bachelorette party with Shannon, Macy, and Sandy. Why I invited Sandy, I don’t know. Maybe it was to maybe bond with the girl I hate so much. It’s too bad that I don’t have any other friend. “This is so boring,” Sandy complains, sighing heavily. I nod in agreement. We are at my house doing absolutely nothing. Why are we at my house? Well, none of us, except Shannon, are old enough to go to a bar, and, well, there was nothing I could think of. And the same goes for Macy; she had no idea where to go. “I’m sorry, girls,” I sigh. “It’s not like I wanted to do anything for this marriage.” “And why is that? You have the perfect guy, and you take him for granted,” Sandy barks at me, huffing. “I don’t take him for granted! Hell, I’m not even in love with him,” I mumble, causing Shannon and Sandy to freeze and look at me in complete shock. I shrug. “It’s true, okay. My parents took my confession the wrong way and made James propose. I wanted to say no, but Sandy’s right, he’s perfect, and I couldn’t break his heart.” “Then you should call off the wedding, Heather. I’ve been engaged before, shockingly, and I broke it off because I realized that I wasn’t really in love with him. Keith, however,” Shannon sighs, her voice becoming distant at the mention of Keith, “he is the most perfect man I’ve ever met. He’s so dreamy.” Um, ew? I mean, I get the fact that Keith is, in reality, and can be a total sweetheart. He is just a bit on the brotherly side towards me and teases me all too often. So, I suppose I get where Shannon’s coming from. “I would love to. But I can’t just break his heart! And I’m not sure if Macy and Jasper will get married because they’ve only been together for a little while. It’s only been what, Macy? A month or not even that much?” “A little over a month,” Macy shrugs. “I can’t believe that your parents have already gotten it set up in a month and your wedding is in two days. I just wish you would break it off. Even if Jasper and I don’t get married, it won’t matter. The contract isn’t for forced marriage.” “So? It doesn’t matter. My parents are a different matter.” “Look, Heather, honey, let me tell you the story about my previous engagement because I was your age. I fell in love with my ex when I was twelve, just like you, and we had been together for high school. When we started to go to college, I got pregnant. Yes, I know, it was stupid and I was young. But I thought we were going to get married. And when he found out I was pregnant, he proposed. I, of course, said yes. But, the problem was, he was different and he had changed. He was much ruder, he didn’t seem to care because he was going to be a dad, and he didn’t care. It was heart breaking. “I had a miscarriage about a month before the wedding and I didn’t tell him. Why? I was afraid that he was going to just dump me if he knew he wasn’t going to be a dad anymore.” “So, I have to get pregnant?” I ask. “Gee, what great advise.” “No, that’s not the point. I’m getting there. Now, like I was saying, I was afraid. He was the guy I loved most and I thought I couldn’t live without him. But I realized that I had lost the man I had fallen in love with. He was sweet and he wouldn’t push me into anything that I didn’t want to do. But then he became someone who partied all the time, he didn’t care about me, and he wasn’t the real guy I fell in love with. So, at that point, I realized I fell out of love with him. And you know what?” “What?” I ask, intrigued. “I dumped him and told him about my miscarriage. Probably and possibly, you fell in love with James, but you never knew what that feeling was. And then, as you grew older, you fell out of love too. Ash came along and you realized that he was the one that held your heart. And you were okay with that. Just like me with Keith. He’s kinder to me and he’s the perfect guy. I’ve heard about his ‘single, womanizer’ rep, but he’s different. You know why?” “He likes you a lot. And he decided that you aren’t going to be one of his one night stands and that you are different. It’s because he likes you a lot.” I smile at this, thinking about how Keith can finally settle down. “Exactly. And Ash really likes you too; I can tell by the way he looks at you. And maybe, if you tell him, he actually will know. You can tell James that you are in love with someone else, and you don’t have to be specific. It’s that easy, honey.” “Not exactly,” Macy and Sandy deadpan, glancing at each other before turning to Shannon. “Heather has too good of a heart to do that.” “She’s naïve.” “She can’t just break his heart like that.” “She’s too stupid to just think that it would be easy to dump him.” “Besides, he’s my brother.” “And my crush, and she knows that if she breaks his heart, she will have to face my wrath.” Gee, I bet you can guess which girl said what. “And,” I butt in, “I have one problem. The contract.” Shannon and Sandy give me a strange look. Right, they don’t know. Shannon’s just recently been engaged with this family and Sandy is just our age; if she was part of the family, she wouldn’t know anyway. “Macy, you wanna tell them?” “Sure,” Macy shrugs. “The Wyatt and Reynolds family made a deal when Jasper and I were toddlers, when Heather and James were five. They made a contract that said that if either Jasper and I or Heather and James were to fall in love, they would have to get married. Heather, being vague, didn’t specify on who she fell in love with. So, in this horrible chain of events, James thinks Heather is in love with her, Ash has been so shocked that he hasn’t spoken to Heather, James, or any of the family since James asked and Heather said yes, and Heather has been pretty depress ever since.” That’s true. Ash hasn’t even texted me or even made any contact with me since I said yes. It hurt too much to realize that he was avoiding me on purpose. So, like Macy said, I’ve been really depressed. Ash is my best friend. How could he just avoid me like this? When I would go to his house, his parents would tell me that he wouldn’t be home or that he was throwing up in the morning, had a headache, and was really, really pissy. All signs point to a hangover. He has never ever touched a drop of alcohol, so what would make him turn towards it now? I guess it’s me. When I try to call him, he doesn’t answer. When I text him, he doesn’t reply. When I ask his friends about him, they have no idea where he is, what he’s been doing, anything. I’m extremely worried. My best friend shouldn’t be ignoring me. I want to make things right. But, with him ignoring me, I can’t. Life sucks for the Wyatt and Reynolds families. “Oh, well, I’m sorry for that, Heather,” Sandy mumbles, causing me to snap my head towards Sandy. Did she…is she being nice it me? “What?” Macy and I ask, blinking. “I said that I’m sorry, Feather,” she repeats and I blink at the name. Feather? That’s so creative. Note the sarcasm. “Whatever, but,” I bite my lip, mumbling, “thanks.” Sandy just shrugs, mumbling something under her breathe. Did we just become friends or something? Whatever. “So, what are we going to do for the rest of this party?” Macy asks, sighing. Shannon smiles and stands. “Well, I think we should spend this party just like we should any other. Heather, go get a bunch of movies. I don’t care what they are, just get some movies. Macy, go find some pillows and blankets and bring them in here in front of the couch and the TV. Sandy, go find the popcorn and get to popping a few bowls. I will find some games so we can spend this party in style, just like a slumber party.” We all smile and nod, standing and scattering to do our jobs. I find the cheesiest, most romantic, biggest chick flicks I can find and bring them into the living room, placing them all on the coffee table. Sandy and Macy come back almost at the same time, Sandy holding four bowls of popcorn and Macy carrying the largest stack of blankets and pillows I’ve ever seen. “Let’s get this party started,” Shannon muses, a confident smirk across her face. Hell, as long as this makes me forget about everything, I’m all for it. And this should seriously be one hell of a party. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IS ASH DRINKING?! ASDFGHJKL; I don't even know and I wrote it! Ash is avoiding Heather, why? Is he jelly about James and the Jelly Girl? Who knows. Me. So, anywho, I have the next two chapters done. I still have to write 20 and the extra chapter. So, would you rather me put them up now or next Sunday? So, October is coming up! You know what that means? HOUSE OF HADES, ALLEGIANT, AND HALLOWEEN! And my boyfriend's birthday, but that's not why I'm looking forward to October. I can't even wait for the eighth or the twenty-second. And the Halloween. I'm not sure what I want to be for Halloween yet. I was thinking about something similar to Marcy's costume from Music, Boys, and Ice Cream, previously called Ice Cream Delights, but I have no idea how much that would cost and if I could make it myself. So, what do you think? Chapters 18 and 19 now, or next Sunday? I'll probably have chapter 20 finished by next Sunday, so that would be included too. And I'll possibly have the extra chapter done by later that night or Monday and put up that chapter then. So, lemme know what you think! Love you, lovies! ~Shana Alana P.S. I didn't proofread!
I'ma update today! Why, well, lemme tell ya. Okay, so, I was thinking about what I was going to do for the last three chapters and the Ash chapter. I was going to post them all in one day, but that is way too much work in one day. Then I was thinking about making you wait for a week like always, but that is just cruel because you can't read 18 without reading 19 and you can't read 19 without 20. So, I will be updating today, tomorrow, and Sunday! Each day will be a new chapter, and then I will make you wait for the Ash chapter. Sound like a plan? I hope so, because I'm doing it anyway! So, expect an update in, oh, 1-3 hours. And then I have a FAN FICTION CONTEST for you! I'll post it after the update, and you guys can know the details then! So, love me? I know you do! I love you guys too! ~Shana Alana
So, now, the update! MY FAVORITE CHAPTER! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 18 “You look fab,” Macy squeals happily. I turn to her and smile at her crème colored dress. It reaches her knees and has one strap over the right shoulder. Her hair is swept up into an elegant up do, a few curls falling neatly beside her face. Her hair is also a light brown, her tips a fiery orange to match her corsage. “Really, Heather, you look great,” Jasper smiles. He has his brown hair has been slicked back with hair gel and you can properly see his beautiful blue eyes. They are like our mother’s, a pale, periwinkle blue. His suit is clean and perfect, his crème colored tie matching Macy’s dress and his orange carnation on his lapel matching Macy’s corsage. I smile back at him and watch him take Macy’s hand. I want to give a small squeal but I can’t. I’m so shocked and excited to see them together after all these years. And I’m glad that I got to see it before I went off to college. “Thanks, both of you,” I smile at them. Jasper kisses my cheek and Macy gives me a quick hug before rushing away. I stand in the room alone, walking to the mirror to examine my wedding dress. It’s strapless with a sweetheart neckline. There isn’t a long train and it’s made of silk. I’m wearing pearls and pearl earrings. I do look beautiful. The problem is I look this good for the wrong person. “You look amazing,” I hear a male voice breathe and I know this voice too well. I turn to see my best friend. He doesn’t look too bad himself. He’s wearing a traditional tux with a white rose on his lapel and his blue tie makes his eyes glow. Have I mentioned how in love I am with those eyes? They are perfect. Speaking of his eyes, they aren’t bloodshot; there aren’t bags under his eyes. It's like he either hasn't been drinking, or he's really good at makeup. I hope it's the former. He looks absolutely perfect all the way around. Too bad I’m getting married… “Thanks,” I whisper, looking down at my feet. “It’s great to see you and all, but you shouldn’t be here. It’s bad luck to see me in my wedding dress before I’m at the altar.” This is the little hint that I’m supposed to be his bride, not James’. He laughs, thinking I’m making a joke. He really shouldn’t be James’ best man. James should be the best man. “Funny,” he grins. “Heather, I…” He pauses, watching my face carefully. “I have some bad news for you. Please, don’t freak out, okay?” He takes long strides towards me until he’s right in front of me. He’s towering over as always, even though I’m in heels. Being short is great, but only when I’m with Ash. God, I’m turning cheesy. “What is it?” I murmur, breathless at his closeness. The gorgeous smile that was once on his face has slipped away, his eyes becoming clear pools of sadness. It hurts so much to see him like this, so sad, so unhappy, so…not Ash. “I’m leaving,” he deadpans, resting his forehead on mine. I feel electric from his touch, not like a shock but like a pulse. It feels great and I never want him to move, but if he does I want him to take me with him. I’m that hopelessly in love with him. “Now?” I question, dumbfounded. “But, the wedding, you’re the best man.” And I love you, I want to add but I can’t. Because if I did, it would be wrong since I have to marry James. But no matter how much I know this, it feels so wrong to marry James. “No,” he tells me, pulling back to look me in the eyes. “After the wedding. You see, I’m going to France to a university–” I cut him off before he continues. “France? You…you’re leaving me?” I choke out, feeling tears pool in my eyes. “But I…” I bite my lip with a pause before I confess my love to him. “You’re my best friend, Ash. You can’t just go. No now! I can’t let you go!” “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he whispers and places his forehead back on mine. “You’re getting married. To James, no less, so I’ll see you after I come back.” And when he does, I’m going to have to fight back tears because I married the wrong man. “We can still be best friends. And when I get married, you could be the maid of honor.” Best friends? Maid of Honor? How can I do that? I want to be more than friends. I want to be his bride, for crying out loud. “You and I will still be able to have fun and joke and laugh just like we always do.” Fun? What’s fun about hating myself for not being more than friends? “I want you to be happy.” “But I’m not,” I finally confess in a small voice, pulling away from him slightly. “I’m losing you, first to this wedding, and now you to learning abroad. Why can’t you stay? For me?” His face doesn’t contort in confusion, so I think that he thinks I’m just being completely melodramatic. I might be, but I fell so hard for this boy. “Because this is a chance to get out of this city before it gobbles me up. You may not be able to because you have family and James, but you need to realize I need to leave.” “But I don’t want you to leave, Asher!” I almost scream. I can hardly keep the tears from pouring. If I let the waterworks start, my makeup with get messed up. And I know that if people see my smudged makeup, they will suspect. And so will James. And we don’t need that. “Heather,” he coos lightly. “I’m sorry, but please, don’t think that I’m leaving forever. Because I will be back in four years. I need to spread my wings.” “But people don’t need wings to survive,” I murmur. “Mockingjays do,” he finishes the quote and causes me to break out in an involuntary grin. He knows that quotes make me smile, no matter how bad the times are for me. Especially those kinds of quotes. “But, Ash, you can’t go yet. How much longer will you be here?” “Just for the wedding. I’m sorry again, Heather, but I promise that I’ll return to you in four years.” He gives me a quick hug and when he pulls back, he moves to kiss my cheek. I twist my head at the last second so my lips meet his and, unlike kisses with James, I feel something stir from its long hibernation. I feel fireworks burst on my lips. Ash just stands there, his lips on mine, in complete shock. I just enjoy the foreign sensation spread through my body starting at my lips. It takes course through my body and mind, moving to every part of my body. I’m the one to pull back first, mostly reluctant, and say, “I’m sorry, Ash, but I had to know what that felt like. Now, you should go. We don’t want to give any suspicion.” “Heather,” he presses. “Go,” I order, “but first…” I trail off, moving my hand to wipe away the lipstick from his lips. His breath hitches when my fingers touch his lips and I don’t think he breathes until my fingers are gone. “I guess that’s your goodbye present to me, then?” he asks, a small frown on his face. I give him a swift nod and then he leans forward, kissing my cheek this time. “Just for the record,” he states, “I think I would much rather you marrying someone other than James.” He backs up slowly, stating to give us distance. “Me too,” I say in the softest voice possible, not detectable by human ears. I just shrug as a response since he couldn’t have heard it. He sighs and gives me a sad wave. “Good luck, kiddo,” he says and walks out of the room. I want to drop to the floor and cry as I wait for my father. I’ll only be able to tell Ash that I love him on one of our deathbeds. I honestly pray that it’s mine. Though I think I’ll grow to love James over the years, having his children, watching Ash get married, seeing him happy along with James and Ash’s bride. I’ll learn to love James. Somehow, I will, and I know everything will be okay. “Heather,” I hear and I jump, pulling out of my thoughts. “Can I come in?” It’s James. “No!” I yelp and run to the door, leaning on it. He can’t see me in the dress! It’s bad luck all the way around! “It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before she’s at the altar!” “Okay, okay,” he sighs. “Look, I have a question for you, and I want you to be honest, okay?” “Alright,” I answer. Something’s not right. He’s not like this, not usually. He normally completely trusts me no matter what. So, looks like he wants to know the truth about one of my lies. This can only get worse. “Are you in love with me?” he asks. Wait, what? Did he ask me if I’m in love with him? Does he know? Oh, no, if he knows, I’m dead. I’ve cheated on him by kissing Ash, but he didn’t see it, right? I mean, wasn’t the door closed? It was, at least that I saw. “Well, James,” I start but I’m interrupted by someone yelling at James. “Dammit, I have to go. I’ll see you out there okay?” he asks. “Okay.” “Love you.” “I know.” And I wait. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THEY FINALLY KISSED! Like, I'm fangirling because they finally kissed. Ever since I wrote out this chapter, I've fangirled about it when I read it. So, what will happen with Ashther? Jeather? Macy and Jasper, who do not have a couple name? But, seriously, Ash is going to France. France is like forever away from where she is! And Ash doesn't appear to be drinking, yeah? Ash is being so confusing. First, he is her best friend. Then he doesn't talk to her for over a month and his parents say he's drinking. Then he shows up and tells her he's going to France. And they kiss and he doesn't pull back! Like, seriously, Asher, make up your mind! Are you in love with her? Are you starting to hate her? Are you even her friend anymore? You decide. Now, I said I wanted to post the contest details and rules now, but I'm going to post them at the end of the story so you guys can know what's going on and what I want. Kay? Sound good? Good. But I am going to give a quick run through of what it's gonna be about. • Future of a character and that kind of thing. • It can be any character, James, Heather, Sandy, Asher, Macy, Jasper whoever. • Must be a one shot. • I own all characters, setting, plot, etc. so I jut thought I'd put that out there so you would know. • You can add new characters. • It cannot be about Jennette or Mason, future characters in Bubblegum and Broken Hearts. So, I'll add more, rules, etc. at the end. So, I'm my volleyball team's manager! Woo! I'm extremely excited and I go to their game tomorrow to do my thing. And where we are going for their tournament is a freaking ditch, almost literally. They have no cell phone service, so I doubt they have Internet. Sucks, right?! So, I don't know how long it will be, but I will post the next chapter tomorrow one way or another. Long ass author's note. Sorry. It's just been a very eventful week and ideas and chapter an stuff like that. So, you know. I love you! ~Shana Alana