Next Generation Sherlock! Wait, what?

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Melancholy--_--, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. 
  2. Shake that 

    Aside from some typos here and there, is the non use of male and female words, i.e. bambino, you can just say bambina it'd still mean baby. That's just my, one thing, and as I read turned out to be mostly just one thing. Lol

    Sweep up the typos or turn off autocorrect and that's my only advice xD accidents happen but it doesn't make the story unbearable.

    I really like this one too! Good job Mel and Cin!
  3. 
  4. Bump
  5. 
  6. 
  7. 
    Oh, next chapter~ Where are you~?
  8. 
    Oh, next chapter~ Where are you~?
  9. Next Case To Be Solved: Where's the update? 
  10. -bumpest-
  11. Bump~ ^_^Hope you two are continuing it.
  12. We are continuing this, though we have had some technical difficulties so please bare with us~

  13. Hey! Long time no update, now since Cin needs time to re-write her update I thought I would give her some inspiration by posting mine. Gomen! It's been forever~??

    ^_^ ^\\^ ^_^ ^//^ ^_^ ^\\^ ^_^

    Tristan's Point of View:

    The apartment I entered looked nothing like I imagined it, it’s like when you know someone for so long then they finally come out saying they never liked your chocolate cookies. They ate it and all but hidden inside was something else, a will to not throw up. It doesn’t matter if it was out of kindness or not it still cuts you deep.

    The lighting was dim, posters of newspaper articles hung all over the place, and I caught sight of one of the articles names. It was something from 1897, ‘Freedom Clipped. Birds Looked Out’ on the picture it had a young man, he resembled Sora slightly, the same sky blue eyes, the red hair was of different shades but still kept them together. It was black and white but you could tell easily from the colour tones, something Roger taught me, the man was in handcuff and had blood dripping from his mouth. Most likely the cause from being punched by the police. In the background was a younger women, this one had the same bone structure of Sora. She was in crying, the only hint from that though was a single grey tear hidden in the depths of the picture. In her grasp was a small child, wrapped in a cloth, it was small and fragile enough to be a new born.

    “That baby was my mother.” Sora came up from behind me and crests the picture.

    My eyes glanced at the back of her head in front of me. “It must have been tough on your grandmother then.”

    Her reaction was a small chuckle. “No, she was glad that man was a monster.” She tensed up, grinding her teeth and fisting her hands. “Though I disagreed, I believe he killed that man for a greater cause then his own. It was bad timing though, the police catching him and all, also my mother being born on that day. Though no one seemed to care.” Her voice was mixed with sadness, pain and slightly insane. Why, why does such a small girl feel so broken by all this?

    “Sora, you know me, I don’t care about your history all I know is that you framed my father.” The case was solved, or at least I thought so.

    She turned around and punched me, the shock and power of the blast sent me falling down. “I guess this was all a game to you then.” Her voice was surprisingly controlled but in her eyes she wasn’t, tears falling down, staining the filthy carpet. “You were my family Tristan. My mother had me at such a young age and didn’t care. She hid it well enough though. The times we used to play with each other were when I was happiest. Now you’re treating me like a criminal.” She hung to my leg and told me things that I have been all too oblivious to.

    “Sora.” Kissing her head ever so gentle I raised her head. “This is my job though, feelings and past don’t count. Hiding this from everyone, keeping it all locked in and now you’re messed up.” I lifted her broken body, she was surprisingly light, or did I already know that?

    We were at the prison where they are keeping Sora; they released my father two days ago once she confessed. It’s sad when future generations make the same mistakes of their ancestors, when I visited Sora she didn’t talk, all she did was sit in her small corner. Please, get better. Be our little bird again, that always gave us sunshine. Cole and Luke where finishing up with some paper work we all had to do and went to consoled me. The Old Man was waiting outside for us and gestured me to speak with him in private.

    “What is it?” I asked confused, did he want to congratulate me? I doubt it; Sora was a good friend to us all.

    “Your parents died for each other. They drove one another to insanity and looked themselves away from the world. But their reason was still just, love is rare. Especially the sweetest and must painful kind.” He then walked away, leaving myself almost in tears. No I have to remember I’m not alone. I’ve got Roger and the cutesy Alyssa; I took a deep breath and sprinted to the train station.
  14. Bump bump!!