Well she chooses to die tomorrow, her choice not to keep fighting. I can't even imagine what it's like. Keeping her in my prayers.
@spit if ur my friend u will refrain from posting here @raven lol @other guy if i were her i woukdnt ask to be put down its her choice
Honestly why post this here? If I made a very difficult choice to end my life Id hardly want it put it on a public forum
Eh im done dont have any reasin to say more Ive said what i needed If ur reading thias ashley which i doubt u are i love you darling
Well its not his life is it. Thats private info they have just put on a public forum yet you tell me to have respect lol
Ashley if you're reading this, then good luck. I'm happy you're getting out of this painful world. Hopefully where you're going is better than this, wherever it might be. There are some days I want to give up but when I think of you I get the strength to go on. I can't imagine how hard your life has been, and I'm sure you're making the right choice. Love, Radio
Umm I don't mean to come off rude but if tomorrow is her last day, I have a few questions: Why would she spend her last hrs on PIMD? Why do you think it's ok to spread private info such as this? And she can't just choose to die unless it's suicide. It's illegal in the US to put a human down. Unless now you're about to tell us Shes not from the US??
Well, I just looked it up. Active euthanasia is only legal in like 5 countries. It is illegal everywhere in the US. However, 4 US states and most countries do allow "assisted suicide" or passive euthanasia. So the doctor cannot actually help you out, but they don't have to treat you if you refuse. Just clarifying. I hope she isn't in too much pain for her last few hours.