She has lukemia and her kast day on this earth ia tomorrow. So while shes still here with her spam her with everything u can Gifts wall posts etc. this is not a joke i just want ger to.know shes loved BEFORE Shes gone
Not the time to be an ass my bro serioualy to answer u a gift is just a way of showing her she wilk be missed
I don't care if it was for attention or not show some respect if its not and stop hating he's actually caring about someone he truly cares about and I believe him! So stop it! How will you all feel if you didn't believe him and she does die tomorrow?!
Wether its real or not shoukd not matter What matters is showing someone they mean sonething Even if it was a lie eoukd a gift or two hurt anyone seriousky dont be an asshole dude and raven not every noob is an attention.junkie
No problem I don't care if its real or fake I have worked in a hospital and seen to many people die with no one to care about them so if its real I want to be another person for her to know people care and actually have hearts even if they don't know her
And you both know she will for sure pass away tomorrow how? I don't mean to be a jerk, but it's very easy to lie about something like that on the Internet.
I'm gonna agree with FireSpit over there. How do you know she'll die tomorrow? Death is unpredictable. By all means, I'm sorry she has that illness. It's an awful one, but you never know she could pull through. Just gotta keep fighting, I would.
If its true are you sure she wants it posted here?? I hope you asked her first? Thats a very private choice