There is this guy, he is the sweetest, nicest, funniest guy I ever met. He makes me smile and happy and when I'm sad he always makes me laugh. He is my prince, my hero, my dream guy. I admire him, he is a fighter and he always tries to make everyone happy. The day I met him I immediately had a crush on him. He means the world to me. I hurted him even if I didn't meant to do that. All I wanted was just to be his #1. I hope that he will forgive me one day. I miss and love him but I must accept that I lost him and that I must let him go so that he can be happy again. What I'm trying to say is, don't waste a day to not make your bf/hubby, gf/wife happy, be there for him/her and make him/her feel that he/she is loved and someone special.
Like.... Some people have soft spots for their first love.... Even if you Guys broke up. It's completely normal. But seriously love is crazy.... Sometimes Makes you do some things you wouldn't do normally.
Mhmm since i kno who this thread is about it's jus sad.... so sorry luv but it never gonna happen so u can chill and let him be plz
maybe next time u shouldn't lie about crap...the person this thread is about didn't deserve that do get over it...ppl like u should be kicked off pimd..js