The name of this thread made me think of "if you like pina callada and getting cought in the rain " Okay.. that is all lol
I wanna take 10% to 25% and give back. When I die, I will put in my will to make it rain in the town I grew up.
omg the possibilities Certainly save the majority for my son and possible future children. Pay off debts...boring answer but needs be. Make sure family members were secure. Donate to the children's hospital and many other needed charities in the UK. That would be my treat to myself. Go see the world. Meh I may even buy myself a new couch because I can. Wow my answers were poop
Half of these people are just saying things to say themif they had that much they'd blow it all on themselves and family.
In reality, I would use it to try to publish a book. Quit my job. Write 24/7. Live off that money. Bribe publishers. Jk. Or am I 0.o
I'd probably buy a lot of land in many states & countries, build a house on all of those lands, buy a car or two to leave at each house, buy a private jet & put aside enough money to travel as I please, invest in Walmart (u gotta admit...that would be a good place to invest into), put some money into a savings account, and donate half of whatever is left to the MMRL (Masonic Medical Research Laboratories), and live my life with whatever is left...if the children that I'll have someday expect an inheritance then their greedy & don't deserve anything.
umm wow. Or maybe you're just selfish it's about making sure your children are secure in life..not greed Ooh I thought of one more think to add to mine........I want one of those walk in refrigerators ooh I'm a big spender
I say that because if something is expected then it isn't deserved & if its unexpected then it is deserved...I have a friend that went to his godfathers reading of the Will & Testament where he had everyone write what they wanted, it turned out to be a final test to see everyone's worthiness...some ppl failed the test & saw $10M in cash, jewelry, cars, & land go to charity
Waahh, I totally, seriously want to have a tamed polar bear and tiger. But it's impossible, especially in our tropical country. *sigh* Oh well, guess my first post will do. x)
With that much money? Invest half to monster. Buy a house with a pool. Own a restaurant and rest on savings
-Buy several hundred acres of land in the middle of nowhere and homestead. -Pay off all debts. -Pay off everything my extended family owes. -College funds for my kids, possibly trust funds. -Go back to school. Doing all of that should pretty much use up most of the money.