butt problems

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Darien, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Well guys i found out yesterday that i have a problem with my butt theres a big crack down the middle of it that brown stuff comes out of do yall know of any ointments that will treat this problem?
  2. Dear god Darien not again. You need another butt
  3. This Situation?
    ? Happened Before..
    Completely Normal!
  4. Fear not,

    Sadistic Dr FireSpit will treat you :D
  5. Helppppppppp 
  6. Sew it shut. You'll be fine
  7. contact dr zed he can help you
  8. I was gonna say that.

    Great minds, think alike.
  9. Buy a butt plug
  10. Eat it it's your food trying to escape
  11. ?i heard "zed"

    uhhhh.... fix your own ass
  12. Guys my anus needs help
  13. We already told you
  14. ??damns even zed don't want dat job
  15. Hemorroid 
  16. It aint no hemmeroid its a crack
  17. Been there done that got the t shirt.