~Setting~ A small red fox ran across a dirt road before a large green and silver truck sped by. The truck road for 20 more miles before coming to a large house with many small, white, houses around it. It was fall there and the leaves had already started turning orange. -Casey- Casey put her foot on the brake and stopped the truck, she put the parking brake and turned off the ignition. She walked up to the house, the leaves crunching under her feet and she jingled the keys in her hand as she looked around at the fall colors. Casey stepped into the family room and looked around, everyone's happy face looked at her for a moment before going back to arguing about what to have on the pizza for dinner.
~(•3•)~ Was it 7 already? Time to get up to go to work. Casey got out of bed and lazily put on clothes and walked out her room door into the long hall. She passed room after room, the first with two wizards in it nose deep in their magic book, next was the vampires sitting on the ceiling playing poker, then 7 nekos on one bed as their animal selves. Was it her or was everyone being quieter than usual? She walked past 10 more doors before walking down a flight of stairs and walking out of the door into the fall air.
(-spits water everywhere-) As Casey sat down at her chair she noticed everyone looking at her. "What?" She asked looking around impatiently at them "what do you want?" Her co-workers usually tried to ignore her and let her do her own thing, but today they noticed her and stared at her in awe. One of her friends that sat next to her in their offices piped in "y-you've been promoted to the next office." she said hesitantly, the people that get promoted get to pick one person to take with them upstairs to the new office, "promoted? Me? Are you joking, I could never get promoted" Casey said with laughter in her voice. "Well, we had the announcement this morning, you know, when you were sleeping while we were doing our work" Her friend said with much more confidence in her voice. "If I really am promoted" Casey said as she stared at her friend "I don't like your tone, get a new one" she said as she picked her bag up and walked across the room to the elevator, half way there she looked back at her friend that had shock on her face "I'll send someone down to get my stuff, and announce later who I've picked to come with me" Casey said loudly, her voice confident and loud. With a sneer on her face she looked at her friend, turned around and took the elevator to the next floor up.
In the end she picked a smaller woman with circler glasses and a white hair. The woman was surprised she was picked, but was happy she was promoted. "If you don't mind by me asking, why did you pick me?" Asked the woman. Casey looked down at her, the woman was much shorter than Casey was and it was awkward for Casey to have look down every time she wanted to talk to her. "Well, you seemed the most..., um, qualified" Casey said as she tapped her foot on the floor. They got to the top floor and they both stepped out and went to their offices without another word to each other. The woman's office was much smaller than Casey's because she was the one brought along, but Casey had a window view of the city, she so much enjoyed and a very large desk, that could fit many computers. Suddenly there was a knock, not on the oak door, but on the window. The one that supplied the knock was Marshall, him singing and floating outside her window. Casey quickly opened the window and let the vampire in. "What do you want? I'm at work Marshall!" Casey said, sounding outraged. "Wow, wow, slow your roll sweetie, I'm here to take you home" Marshall said in his smooth, nonchalant voice. Casey looked at her watch and was surprised by the time. "But I just got to wo-" Casey was paused by Marshall. "The upper office men like yourself get off work early" Said Marshall. Casey nodded, it's not like she didn't want to go home, just it's really unfair to the lower office men. Marshall grabbed her hand and flew her home. He put her down and then set his feet down, her then hugged her. "Now.., aren't you glad I'm your boyfriend" Marshall said. Casey just laughed and hugged him. "Whatever you say Marshall"
"Eleeeeeee, stop taking up the washer," Casey said with a groan. "Sorry Casey, but my thongs must get clean!," Said a very enthusiastic Ele. Casey just made a face at her and glared. "Could I bribe you?," Said a grumpy Casey holding out a package of thongs. Ele's eyes twinkled and she gasped. "Of course you can use that washer," said and awestruck Ele. "Thank you," sang Casey with a smile (Just for Ele to have a thong related story :3)