In this game everything we have is fake. Money,avatars etc. But what do you do when someone brings what happen to ur race into the game as a threat? Like how should you feel? yes i know report it and block them. But this situation was more than that. -iTi-Nightwolf has disrespect me to the fullest. He is a racist, He used what happened to my great great great great grandparents to disrespect me. I feel so bad because these things happen 400 years ago to my race African Americans. Telling someone they should be hung from a tree is idk words cannot explain how i feel. Then he called me the N word and said kkk still lives and maybe they will find me. I know this game has all kind of racist and people playing but this tops the cake. He also said he is friends with some vip people. Well if your friends with him then this the type of person your freinds with. In real life i never ever been talk to this way. I know racism still exist,now i know a lil about how 400 years ago felt smh. This is sad and need to be put out there for everyone to see. And before you ask i dont have ss it because device im using. He gets exposed but a pass cause next time i will take ss another way and really expose you.
Request a lock. Shouldnt have brought this to fourms. This thread will create nothing but drama and will be locked eventually. Just report and block. You said yourself its just a game. My #1 rule is dont take anyone says online… Personally.
maybe it will creat drama but thats not my reason for writing this. To expose what this person said to me in this way.Opions are welcome idc but this what it is.
Everyone should just leave this post , no good will come out of it , apart from , as has been said, DRAMA!
Hmm, no evidence provided it is just a drama thread. Unless there's evidence...can't be proven. If it was sad yes it's despicable but without evidence there's no reason for me to view that individual differently because judgement without evidence is foolish.
im not trying to cause any drama people dont even have to post. im not asking them to. But i do want this to be seen.
im not here to fight with anyone i just felt so damn hurt by this all i could do was post. I dont want drama. But the truth is it was said proof or no proof he and i know what happen in pm. I only copy and paste our conversation to a few friends.