Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -BabyJoey-, Aug 15, 2013.

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  1. She has his reason he has spoken to her privately. She just doesn't like the reason. She wants to resolve it? Pun has repeatedly asked her to PM him. I'm sure they're all big enough to discuss this elsewhere, because quite frankly it's nobody's business but theirs?
  2. I will write for u rave
  3. Bunch of no bodies in BCS who like to complain about everything. Didn't they say they protect each other? Friend of mine left the club because no one talked to him? Lol they ignore then protect. Y not disband? Would be more useful. Keep it clean in forums? Lmao then don't write a forum if u want it clean 
  4. Why would they disband?? They are top VIP in clubs lol
  5. Ur right. Y disband when they can do parties. Obviously they don't war. They complain to much 
  6. I knew this was going to explode…
  7. How come everyone is blaming yunyun ._. You think after being club farmed she would ask a favor from the owner? Ha, no. A lot of people wouldn't either. And are we ignoring the fact that a member of rs started it first ? This whole drama is bs .-.
  8. Erm I said can see both sides and not taking any sides even If I am a BCS ?

    But RS members are treating all BCS the same ?
  9. Not ALL RS members I'd like to counter
  10. So how about this weather eh?
  11. Seriously stop 2 cents..
  12. If a club chooses on to war or only to party it's up to the club as you keep saying it a game BCS chooses to party all the time that's how they PLAY THE GAME ?

    what that gt to do with the argument ?
  13. [​IMG]

    That's all the talk happened between yun alt n Orion
  14. I totally agree party and complain all the time.
  15. We all know it's been done in the past..get farmed bring to forums people ridicule, post their opinions and even some like to further the drama. First of all..if you want answers as to why then please follow and me this seems logical enough and quite simple enough. Although we do know what happens when questioned or rather you think you are being questioned about something. You have a tendency to go overboard and unload on players causing a great loss. Anyhow why bring to forums? You and several of your members have said before forums is a cry for attention and causes nothing but more drama and unnecessary attention.

    And as to the comment about disbanding..was a simple joke seeing how one was accidentally disband already.

    Anyways unblockfollowwait for follow backpm asking how to resolve or why being farmed..these are the steps in case anyone has forgotten. Although he did give his reasoning behind it. I find quite funny when dark prince or some other person battle list hits or farms for the sake of it everyone stands and supports them. Some have even posted on this thread But low and behold Yun is farmed by a non lcbc and the crap hits the fan and starts flying everywhere. How about this? If he doesn't see necessary to make it public knowledge as to why he is hitting her then he has that right... Agree to disagree and don't escalate the drama further. Have a wonderful day/evening.
  16. Sorry for big size pic!! But I don't see in that ss anywhere Orion said the reason any reason for farming
  17. Manny show the rest
  18.  This is going off topic now.
    Bringing any issue into forums is bound to have some sort of drama. So Yun, if you are serious about it take it to PM.
    Making threads about it solves nothing
  19. Yun yun the biggest paper tiger bc in the history of all ata apps
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