Good for you Lykon. Your opinion i really dont care. As for everyone else's opinion i feel the same way. This is me vs yun. Stay out of it
why couldn't u just start ur first post with that . Then we wouldn't have put in our thought or opinions
Oh yeah I didn't read it all , yeah yun. , just unblock Nilla and pm her.. I'm sure you guys can work things out Hi Nilla
?Hmmmm....I think a reason was given just not the one everyone was wanting. Of course I saw the reason being given did anyone else? Anyhow wonderful day all. Birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing and the skies are clear blue for miles. Hope you enjoy your day.
Hi I don't know any of you but I just want to say good luck sorting this stuff out and unicorns are awesome. That's all thank you for reading From Jen
Go yun No wait go Orion No wait go yun Orion Orion Orion Yun yun yun Orion Orion Orion Might be BCS but I can kinda see both sides the story if reason dislike may choose to ignore Ps noone liked my last comment
The amount of stupid bull (explicit word) that is going on in here is enough to clog everyone's toilet. Who cares. I don't see why everyone's getting all worked up. Here's a though. If you farm someone, give a reason instead of acting like a cool guy. And here's another thing. If you want to resolve something don't make it public. I hope this is resolved soon because this immaturity is pathetic. But hey, what do I know. I'm just a bystander. But hey. If y'all get into a sf war, feel free to take some tuts of mine to hide cash. Yay!
Does it really matter if she hot someone to write this? Maybe she got sick of people making fun of her lack of english. I know if I tried to speak another language Id fail lol