Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -BabyJoey-, Aug 15, 2013.

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  1. Why so serious hahaha this is a game. miggs and manny. I have explained my position. YunYun is #1 vip. She can defend herself. She has made it 2vs1 against a non lcbc with no tb. Obviously she runs to other people. I already spoke to Heng. Our #1 vip is a whimp.
  2. How can you possibly know that she is asking for attention? Only she knows that. And she isn't 'crying', merely asking for a reason, in my opinion, is a civil thing to do. If this has been going on for five days, then the forums were probably her last resort.
  3. Just give a reason she never said you have to stop farming her ?
  4. This exploded fast...
  5. I think people forgot that this is just a game ?
  6. Well if she has them blocked thats different lol

    She some how managed to leave that bit of info out of the story lol
  7. Can all this farming please stop  Its unneeded drama and isnt even necessary, farming without a reason is not the way to go, can thus please stop?
  8. Chicken is great. Y'all should have a piece. ?????????????
  9. Yes i spoke to her alt and gave her a reason. If that reason is not good enough get over it
  10. Are BCS incapable of using the pm feature provided in this game? Just curious how long the whining in forums is going to continue.
  11. All this talk of farming is making me want to milk a cow
  12.  I think this is stupid. She's not asking to stop or crying or complaint on this forum. She's asking for a reason so she can resolve it and this is looking very mature on her part. Maybe Doing ur in forums wasn't great but she did already.  What does loom ridiculous is that u won't give her the reason ur farming  she has my respect honestly. For being the bigger person in a way ?
  13. I'm just saying the post seems like a reasonable request, I don't need to or want to defend anyone lol. Just sharing my opinion, best of luck to all involved, hope it gets worked out 
  14. I dont mean to cause issue here but Orion isnt 1mcs hes actually 1.3mcs o.o

    Just pointed that out for no reason other than why not… :lol:
  15. Yeah I know RS and Yun had an altercation in the past , but what has happened now? To farm her for 5 days and not giving her the reason isn't right , Orion should've gave her an answer and this thread wouldn't have been made . I'm sure Yun can hold her own if she knew why she's being farmed , I find it unfair to her since she is trying to resolve this without fighting as of yet..
  16. Re: R

    Cheers  this just game. Fair play come on  long live life the queen #1 VIP
  17. My god... you all need to get on with your day and worry about yourselves rather than draw opinion or speculation on things which don't concern you. If Yun truly wants an answer she can message me for heavens sake but she has chose to make this a forums issue, clearly wanting attention. I will happily discuss this issue with her and her alone.
  18. I am 1# VIP then the queen is 2# VIP we decided it that way over tea
  19. Just give me a reason just a little bits enough just a second we're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again ???

    Sorry I know a lot u thinking it I had go there first
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