I'm writing this forum post today to attempt to find answers. I'm currently being farmed by RS_Orion and I don't understand why- for the last 5 days. When I asked why he was farming me he told me it was part of the game. Yes, this is a battle game, however there is usually a reason, one which I have not been given. I'm now asking the owners of his club help me resolve this issue with their club member RS_orion. I believe that all problems can be solved peacefully, but I have not been given any cf terms or even answers as to why this is happening. All I am asking for is answers and for a peaceful resolution to this issue. Any negative comments about anyone involved keep to yourself, this is to stay positive and constructive.
Ppl should atleast say why they are farming! For wat reason! There should be some reason... If there is something like that means then should just say it...
First off, this wasn't written by you. Secondly, it would probably help if you had the owners followed rather come to forums. As to a cf, that's between you and Orion and I would think the #1 VIP on the game with her two LCBC accounts and another 800kcs account could hold her own against a 1mcs player. Happy gaming
Yun, the pathetic drama queen, can't resolve or figure out her own issues. You truly are a worthless joke!
Exactly big bad #1 vip cant stop me from hitting in a battle game. She has used her and her alt to hit me back 2vs1 am i crying? nope. Im laughing at #1 vip great job Yunyun
To be honest, I do agree that Yun Yun is #1 VIP and should be able to fend for herself. However, her stats don't matter in this situation, as she is asking for a reason.
You don't get to VIP #1 by just fighting. Yun's not even top 5 in fighting. If you just want to fight why not go off VIP fight list?
And bringing this to forums is peaceful? I suggest as he's not even lcbc and you're VIP #1 this shouldn't really be much of an issue, and to speak personally to either Orion Or owners and not bring up a tiny hitting issue with a non lcbc here. You're Just creating more drama. If any other person in this game came to forums crying about being hit, they would get told to farm back and be quiet. Now being vip#1 with alts and doing it..........that's just simply embarrassing.