Post ur fave shows here

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Toushiro, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Um Mickey Mouse club house

    Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all, code lyoko be there when you call, code lyoko, we will stand real tall, code lyoko, stronger after all

    "Transfer, scanner, virtualization"

    "Return to the past now."
  3. Tashiro lose the parenthesis and dont forget to space it
  4. Oh ok?Really stupid person(me)
  5. Oh I loved Code Lyoko 
  6. Can't really think but I have to say just for fun WIPEOUT
  7. Top Gear UK
    Top Gear US
    Boy Meets World
    Fresh Prince
    Teen Wolf
    The Vampire Diaries
    Pretty Little Liars

    You're welcome.
  8. I forgot to add That 70s Show and Saved By the Bell. Oops.
  9. Saved by the bell
    Carman loves
    Dances moms
    Face off
    Big Blonde
    I didn't know I was pregnant (how do you not know)
    And we i was younger happy appy
  10. House M.D.(sadly it ended)
    Lie to Me
  11. Breaking bad

    Walking dead

    Doctor who

  12. I've recently started on Orange Is The New Black and it's pretty good. I also like Switched at Birth. 
  13. Jersey Shore.