Hey Bewbs here Was thinking forums needs a good ol' cheer up. Hope you enjoy Things to do when you're bored: 1) Point at someone and shout "You're one of them!" Run and pretend to trip. Crawl away slowly. 2) Look at see through glass and when someone is on the other side shout "OH MY GOD, I'M HIDEOUS!" 3) Put a dora doll in the middle of Walmart.When someone tries to pick it up yell "SWIPER NO SWIPING". 4) Run up to someone random on the street and slap them with a loaf of bread. 5) Go to petsmart and buy bird seed. Then ask the clerk how long it will take the birds to grow. 6) Go to a pet shop, point at an employee, and shout "I WANT THAT ONE MOMMY!!!" 7) Buy an ice cream, ask the cashier if they believe in unicorns then squish the cone on your forehead. 8) Drive a tricycle past a cop while drinking a juice pouch screaming "YOU CAN'T CATCH ME". 9) Go to McDonalds and ask for a happy meal with extra happy. 10) Come late to school and when the teacher asks why say your pet rock had a seizure. 11) Go to walmart and hide in a bathroom stall when someone opens it say WELCOME TO NARNIA!! 12) Go jump on a random guys back and yell (THE SKY IS FALLING RUN MAN RUN) and see what happens. 13) Go up to a random lady with a daughter and say her son is adorable. 14) Dress up as ronald mcdonald and go apply for a job at burger king. 15) Bring a desk on an elevator. When people try to get on ask if they have an appointment. 16) In a public place, hold up a box of cheerios and yell "FREE DONUT SEEDS!". 17) Hide in a public bathroom stall and when someone walks in, say "Ah young one, Welcome to Narnia."". 18) Follow strangers around a store and spray everything they touch with disinfectant. 19) Throw a small plastic ball at some body and then yell "get in your ball you stupid pokemon. 20) Make a cardboard car and wait in a carwash line, acting if everythings normal. 21) Go to a horror movie and when everyones quiet scream as loud asyou can... see who jumps. 22) Pick up a bag of sliced turkey in a store and scream WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU!!!!! 23) Inhale some helium, walk up behind a little kid, and say "Follow the yellow brick road!". 24) When you are in a public bathroom yell NOOOOO the toilet took my poop. 25) Fill your mouth with whipped cream, then run down the street screaming "I HAVE RABIES". I can post more if you'd like certainly made me giggle
Call out at a random stranger in front of u like there a long lost freind when they come back on there selves to see wot your going on about politely say "how far down the road would u have been if I hadn't called u back"
All of these sounds great to try. I got a good kick out of #7 #16 and #18. :lol: i must plant some Cheerios.