I've noticed that upon completion of every party I participate in, there are absolutely no drops of the new pop/rock star items.. Is this a bug or is it just normal for there to be little to no drops at all? I know the drop rate is slim, because of high demand.. But I mean there's no drop rate at all
That has happened A LOT to me too! I think when they do 2x cash it would be nice if they could do 2x item drops too We party 24/7 and I still only havent earned any items. I have two of the new scavenger items bc they were gifted to me. It wouldn't be so bad if the payout was closer to what I make farming.
Imagine a beautiful world in which we could have both! That would be lovely, indeed If I had to chose, I too would prefer the 2x money though. The items are pointless bc they're basically just for decoration lol