BF4 or COD ghost?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Jesse, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. CoD has been a death end since modern warfare, i go with MOH: Warfighter
  2. Cod ghost of course
  3. COD Ghost... BF4 For The Graphics Though.
  4. Can you drive tanks, jeeps, tractors, quads, dirt bikes, Fly Jets, helicopters on COD multiplayer? Didn't think so
  5. BF4 and GTA 5
  6. cod ghost yo gonna be legend... wait for it gonna be so aweome.. dary
  8. As an avid cod player I have to say cod ghosts but Battlefield 4 is going to be sick
  9. Ghost Recon future soldier
  10. Sims 4?! im more exited for COD ghost :eek:
  11. Fps games piss me off so I stopped playing them. Mario Kart ftw