Hello there i am NegatronikMonster formaly unknown but know as -fire don't believe me i don't care anyways i was wondering why don't we start a sistem war ( like kaw's wars) which pay up a certain item that allow us to color up our names , buy stat encreasing items and other stuff to make the game a little bit more entertaining just an idea since i like it here but it gets boring with the same thing over and over again … just to experience something new in the game change a little bit the fetures of the eewars in kaw and add them here anyways what do you guys think ? it would be worth it It would even increase the purchases of dns and make the devs cash and lets be honest devs love cash hahahaha who doesn't am i right … so anyways … if u like the idea just support it maybe the devs take it to consideration peace ΠΣGΔTRΩΠIKMΩΠSTΣR ΩUT ♔
Idk, i mean they are sepreate games, a cool twist would be interesting, but i dont think we should have the same things here as kaw does
And Bunnues Wtf u pointin for There's No badass bunnies lol Trying to be funny Haha u talking about peole thrrough a Computer screen Haha ur so ??