Favorite Eminem Song

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Raptor75x, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. like the way you lie- by eminem and Rihanna
  2. Not afraid
    Drop the world with lil Wayne
    lose yourself
    The way I am
    The real slim shady
    My name is
    Must be the ganja
  3. ARGHHHHH THERE'S TOO MANY I LOVE THEM ALL its so hard to decide. :,(

    My favourite would have to be Without Me though, I love them all but I like that one a tad more. c:
  4. Does the answer ALL OF THEM count? There are too many to name....
  5. Every song from the Infinite album through the Encore album. :)
    And a few other songs on his newer albums.
  6. 1.G.O.A.T
    2. Stan
    3. Lose yourself
    4. Fast lane
    5. Mocking bird
    6. Cleaning out my closet
    7. Superman
    8. Toy soldiers
  7. Damn u guys are beasts
  8. Beautiful by him is good!
  9. Not afraid & love the way you lie
  10. Why do none of you like My Salsa? :|
  11. you mean My Band?
  12. Ass Like That
    Till I collapse
    Love The Way you lie 1 and 2
    Lose Yourself
    My name is
    Just Lose it
    Without me
    Like Toy Soldie..
    What The Hell,ALL OF EMINEM's SONG
  13. SLIM SHADY. And not afraid