Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Kirsten: "I think we should leave town for a few days, wait for it to calm down."
  2. Ash: The name is Ash and the last time i followed you i ended up changing into my Æ so unless you tell me where and why im staying here.
  3. Zeus

    He changes his music to Patrick Swayze's "She's like the wind."
  4. Kirsten: "What do you mean?"
  5. Terri: Walks silently through the streets, looking around as she grips her bag.
  6. Colin: it's not safe in town we should leave town
  7. -walks across the woods alone-
  8. Jack:

    "Wait up Kid." He yells as he pursues Rhyan.
  9. Colin: guys come grab a sleeping bag and pillow and a tent!
  10. Zeus

    Puts his headphones around his neck. "What's our plan of action?"
  11. -waits for jack- sorry I forgot I was with you, never had a friend or anyone with me before
  12. Colin: were leaving town it's not safe to stay here
  13. Kirsten: "Shouldn't two people keep watch while the other sleeps? And then we switch."
  14. Colin: if you want to stay up and keep watch with me feel free but I'm not going to sleep
  15. Arktum (Æ): stop bitching and come.on -walks into forest-
  16. -sees Collin and runs to them holding jacks arm-
    Hey guys...
    Jack these are people I met earlier.
  17. Kirsten: "I'll watch for a little while, but I'm tired as hell. I'll only sleep if you guys agree not to watch me or take pictures."
  18. Colin: I'm not going to watch you sleep or take pictures I'm not a jerk
  19. Zeus

    He looks at a photo of his cat on his phone.
  20. How bout you all go sleep and ill keep watch with jack, not that you guys care bout me anyway...