Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Kirsten: "Here's the awkward bit. I don't 'love' you. I never have. And I don't think I will ever think of anybody in that way. It's not just you, it's the way I see love. I see it as something that is over-rated. Yes, one day, I may fall in love, but I'm waiting until I actually do."
  2. Colin: -smiles- I understand but we can still be friends right?
  3. (OH SNAP! Dont mind me just lurking)
  4. ((I LOVE LURKING!Lurkety, lurk lurk!))

    Kirsten: "Sure." If you can deal with it, I think. "ZEUS!"
  5. Colin: I can handle being just friends
  6. Kirsten: "Yeah, yeah, friends, ZEUS!"
  7. Colin: Zeus get out here we know your there!
  8. Zeus

    "I would, but what's the point?" Opens up his brown satchel bag, taking out his phone and Sony headphones. He flicks through his songs. "I fancy listening to some of The Smiths."
  9. Kirsten: She storms in Zeus' direction and stands in front of him, shaking her head in disapproval.
  10. Zeus

    "Do you not like my impecible music taste?"
  11. Kirsten: "I don't like the fact you left me alone after an awkward moment. And now you're not leaving until you apologise." She tries to sound angry.
  12. Colin: -starts putting his Barrett 50. Cal rifle together-
  13. Sonia: *starts walking* I guess we missed all the action, oh wale-
  14. Ash:-yawns, climbs down the tree-
  15. Zeus

    "I just figured that you needed some time to speak. And i'm very sorry that I made you feel that way."
  16. Kirsten: "Good. Now, where are we going?"
  17. Okay -looks down-
  18. Colin: -starts spinning a revolver on his finger then catches it and puts it in the holster on his belt-
  19. Arktum: -turns into Æ at sight.of the picture-

    Arktum,(Æ): time to.find the other Æ's. -Looks up at tree- come, girl whos name i dont know