Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Zeus

    "Just to clarify, I was talking about Colin and Kirsten."
  2. Kirsten: "WOAH. NO."
  3. Oh...-looks down and walks away-
  4. Zeus

    "It's obvious he loves you. Allow me to explain how the scenario works. You go to the sports goods shop, he proclaims his love for you, you kiss, and then return to save us from the demons."
  5. Kirsten: "Oh. Well. I won't go." She sits cross-legged on the floor, playing Temple Run on her phone.
  6. -walks around the woods alone crying-
  7. Colin: -looking around the storeroom- let's see bow and arrows, hunting rifles, shotguns, tents, underwear that's odd
  8. Zeus

    "Why not? Everybody enjoys being in love with somebody!"
  9. Colin: -grabs some weapons and a tent and takes it and loads up his car- now then time to go find all of them
  10. -gets to the sports shop sand sits down on a chair alone crying-
  11. Arktum: -looks around-
  12. Kirsten: "Ah, but not with somebody who is obscenely destructive, spoiled and annoying."
  13. Colin: -sees Zeus car as he's driving around and pulls up and gets out- Zeus, rhyan, Kirsten you guys here!
  14. (I'm not there.)
  15. (He doesn't know that though)
  16. Zeus

    "I can see how all those traits can be unattractive. So What kind of guy do you prefer then?" He sits down besides her.
  17. Jack:

    "Anybody!?!" He yells louder, hoping for a reply. He leans against a tree
  18. Nyar Æ:
    *My aura comes out and I throws it at a demon burning him to dust* Mmm that new death smell