Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Kirsten: She hears a strange, male voice. She tries to hide herself in leaves.
  2. Zeus

    He gets inside and sits down in the driver's seat for a moment before putting the key into the ignition.
  3. Scott:im hungry -.- stupid people not donating food for me
  4. Kirsten: She calls Colin, praying that he picks up.
  5. ( thank u hawk. Nuff said xD)
  6. arktum: calm down
  7. Colin: -picks up his phone and answers- hello
  8. Zeus

    "I hope everybody's ok.." He puts his seat belt on and begins reversing out of his spot.
  9. -sits in the car with Zeus-
  10. (My car wasn't at the shed that was my guys old car that he had before his parents died)
  11. Kirsten: "Hey, um, I'm not coming to the sports store. 'K, thanks bye."
  12. Colin: what why not
  13. Zeus

    "Let's just go for a little drive... I-I need to clear my head," he says, his voice beginning to break.
  14. Scott: -wanders into the woods looking around-0.0 this place is hideous -.-
  15. -puts my hand on his shoulder- what's up?
  16. Ash (Æ): Dont tell me to calm Down we need a map because she cant afford to be lost!
  17. Kirsten: "Personal reasons. OK, bye." She hangs up before he can say anymore, then turns her phone off.
  18. A few demons appear in the woods-

    Demon#2: oo food! -Points at scott-
  19. Ash (Æ): just give me a map okay
  20. Zeus

    "I'm ok, sport." He starts driving down the long strech of road. "Did you see what happened to Colin or Kirsten?"