Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Collin! I need a weapon, preferably a now and arrow?
  2. Colin: -throws the stuff in the car then gets in-
  3. Colin: why do you think I suggested the sporting goods store there is a store room that got forgotten about and it has a ton of stuff in it still we can probably find stuff to use there
  4. Okay let's go there then?
  5. Zeus

    He goes into his bedroom and begins raiding through all his designer suits and shoes. "Wow, I'm finallly realising that I always wear suits," he thinks to himself. He brings out his black leather suitcase from another cupboard, and begins throwing his suits in with plenty of other things as well.
  6. Kirsten: She sits in her car for a while, contemplating where to go next. Maybe I should head out of town? Or just drive in circles?, she thinks to herself.
  7. Zac-walks around talking to dumb and smart-
  8. Arktum: -hobbles down the street- gotta get home...

    ???: -watches ryhan and colin- humans and their weapons -aims a finger and shoots a beam at the house, causing half of it to explode and the other set into flames-
  9. Zeus

    He picks up his Ray bans off the counter in the kitchen. He wheels his suitcase out before locking the door behind himself. He begins texting Kirsten as he walks down the stairs.

    We need to know if you're coming with us... Or atleast tell us where you're going.-Zeus

    He puts his phone back into his pocket.
    -rings kristine-
  11. Zac-sees a house get on fire-

    Oh shit!!


    Zac-runs inside-
  12. Kirsten: She hears her Samsung Galaxy S4 ringing, and answers. "Kirsten O'Leary, if your calling about the therapist, we don't need one anymore."
  13. IT'S RHYAN! WE HAVE A SITUATION! THE HOUSE HAS BEEN SET ON ... -phone gets cut off- damn no signal!
  14. Zeus

    He carries his suitcase around to the back of his car to put it in the boot. He looks at his phone again to see if Kirsten replied. He texts Colin. Have you heard anything from Kirsten?
  15. Kirsten: She hangs up, and shrugs her shoulders. "I don't need any more fire in my life, thank you!" She says to herself quietly.
  17. Kirsten: She gets up, and places the heat-proof seat cover on, then sits back down, pulling her blue beanie onto her head.
  18. Arktum: -looks at the flames- no...why...-clenches fist- as if the school wasn't enough...-hobbles my fastest towards the flames, passing Kristen's house as u climb over her fence-
  19. Zeus

    Shrugs. "I'll go find her myself." He shuts his boot then walks around to the driver's seat. He puts the key in the ignition, and begins driving around the block a few times.