Kirsten: She backs out of the space, waves to the guys, then drives off down the road, blasting 'We Will Rock You' by Queen.
Colin: -closes the top and pulls out of the parking lot- first things first we are stopping by my place I need to pick somethings up
Kirsten: She parks her car messily and runs into the house. She grabs her blue beanie, some clothes, shoes and a seat cover.
Colin: -goes up to the house and goes to his room and grabs a suitcase and throws the guns in along with a pillow and a sleeping bag- hmmm maybe I should grab some more just to be safe.
Colin: -grabs his dads buster sword and ties three pillows and three sleeping bags to it then heads back to the car-
Zeus Checks his watch. "I have some time," he thinks to himself. He drives down to his father's penthouse. He gets out of his car, leaving it by the side of the road. He walks up the flight of stairs with the key in his hand ready to open the door.