Zeus He unlocks the door and slides across into the driver's seat, closing the door behind himself. He takes off his black leather jacket and throws on to the backseats, and begins patiently waiting for the others.
Kirsten: She hands him a slip of paper with her number on it. "Don't abuse it. My phone's on vibrate, so sorry if I don't answer." She heads out to the car park, and sits on the bonnet of her car for a few minutes, trying to process it all.
Colin: -walks out to his car- oh man this is going to be a long time -turns to Kirsten and Zeus- hey guys we should set up a meeting spot for later it's to risky to go to sleep without someone to stand guard after all
Kirsten: "I don't know. I just want to get going." She finally gets in her car and buckles up. She takes off her glasses, revealing her bronze eyes. "Goodbye."