Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. (( >.> Benjamin don't even start *poke* ))
  2. ( -poke a dok a poke-)
  3. (( *gross sobbing* ))
  4. ((Ben ill punch you in the butt, who even said I was a woman? I don't recall ever stating my gender hmmmmmmm))
    Sonia: *smiles* So what are you doing out here all alone?
  5. (xD Nuuu dont!!! A long time ago in a land far far away)
  6. ( -pats Bekka- there, there, dont think of manly ballerinas in bunny suits)
  7. ((Ben...Bekka...I'm a lamp.))
  8. Jennifer: Just kind of lurking I guess, not noticed often.
    (( *even louder sobbing* I ))
  9. (( oh my god XD ))
  10. ( -dramatic hamster- PAM PAM PAAAAAMMM)
  11. (xD Im the best at comforting someone)
  12. (( why would you hurt me in this way xD ))
  13. Sonia: Really? I thought your hair might cause a little attention? A tiny bit? *motioning with her fingers*
  14. (Its called comforting xD)

    Zac-eating lollipop-
  15. (( rude xD))
    Jennifer: *quirks a brow* Not really, I'd hope. No one really pays attention to someone with such a big ego and pink hair, it isn't much of a deal.
  16. Zac-walks around happily-

    Dumb Voice- Hey Hey Listen!

    Zac- WHAT?!

    Dumb-go find some chicks! We get them easily with our charm
  17. Scott: -lost-0.0how did this happen -.-
  18. Stella: -walks past a few people in the destroyed hallway, nearly bumping into someone I think is named Zac, but I'm not sure-
  19. Zac-hmm i could...

    Smart- No you idiot! You have to take things easy to approach, calm and easy

    Dumb- Nah bitches like wild crazy guy
  20. Dumb- oh here it goes!

    Smart- dont ruin it!

    Zac-Oh Heya!

    Dumb- nice one idiot