(( just waiting for the right moment I see xDD )) Jennifer: Jennifer, or whatever you'd like to call me. Yours? *looks at her, smiling and quirking a brow*
Terri: "Yeah, well, you should have started running once you mentioned it!" She calls over her shoulder, running away blindly, her bag smacking against her side.
((I was drinking hot kool-aid...ick grape kool-aid sucks)) Sonia: Sonia, I think I'd like to call you Jenny~ is that okay? *grinning*
(XD thanks guys :3) Zac-walks to a ruined house and sees a picture of me with my parents, getting pissed throws it against a wall and turns into his alter ego- (Because i want to go random mode)
Jennifer: Nice to meet ya! And yeah, it's cool. *giggles slightly at her grin* ((Kool aid scares me >.> ))
((It was so gross, I cried for 15 minutes Dx I'm so emotional today.)) Sonia: Good, it's easier to remember. I love the hair chicka
(( >.> I might have to use it when I'm making my vriska makeup )) Jennifer: Thank you. I like yours too. *makes a small jazz hands gesture*