Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. ((Rhy Rhy ))

    Terri: Hums as she reads, nodding her head to her music as she reads.
  2. (( o_O Yea I know. I can see.))
  3. (( I don't know if I've been accepted for not so I'm just like ' :'D What' ))
  4. Stella: -slowly walks back inside the school building, still wondering how I got out her so quickly-
  5. Æ

    *Name: Ryan

    *Age: 16

    *Personality: Nice, afraid of death, fun to be around.

    *Alter: Hates everyone, loves to kill, goes by Nyar.

    *Appearance: [​IMG]

    Alter: [​IMG]

    *Strengths: Increased Strength, Enhanced Senses, Increased Speed (only when he kills)

    *Signature Weakness: Has a short temper

    *Power: Tribal Magic (Able to control aura [fire] and can become a beast by being swallowed by aura

    *Activation: Anger
  6. (Woohoo another Ryan is he bi/gay?)
  7. ((O_O Hahaaha OMG.))
  8. (LOL HEAVEN)
  9. (Actually I'm changing name to Dante)
  10. Nikki:

    -Sits in the back of the class away from everyone, my good pulled up. And my headphones on. Blocking out everyone talking.-
  11. (( danteeeee-
    Lol rhyan ))
  12. ((  Rhy is my new friend. LMFAO.))
  13. Zeus

    "Anyone, I guess." He peers into a few dark, empty classrooms, occassionally using his phone as a torch.
  14. (Woo-hoo! Shh bekka
    Idk why he changed his name?)
  15. (I know who shall die first xD)
  16. (( O_O not Nikki..))
  17. Nikki:

    -Gets up in the middle of class, and walks out. I walk through the halls.-