Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Colin: -turns to Kirsten and asks her- what happened did I go berserk?
  2. Kirsten: "I don't know, I was too busy hiding. But by the sounds of it; yes."
  3. Colin: come on we have to find somewhere to hide
  4. -follows Collin-
  5. Zeus

    Cloisters himself away in a little corner.
  6. (I have no one else as it says on my bio)
  7. Colin: -takes Kirsten's hand and leads her to look for somewhere to hide-
  8. -slowly follows Collin behind them-
  9. Colin: -finds a storeroom that's unlocked and leads Kirsten into it-
  10. Kirsten: Still confused and slightly scared.
  11. Colin: we should be relatively safe in here and it'll give us time to get to know each other
  12. -goes in with Collin-
  13. Jack:

    "Don't mention it." He says, standing.
  14. Colin: -turns and looks at rhyan- who are you?
  15. Zeus

    He comes out from his hiding place. "Where did the other go?" he thinks to himself. He begins walking through the halls. "Hello... It's Zeus."
  16. Colin: I guess ill start with why I went berserk at the sight of those things the reason is they killed my parents
  17. Kirsten: "Well ... As fun as this is. I'm going to rome the corridors, because, quite frankly, I need to 'cool off'." She laughs quietly to herself. "Bye!" She walks out the door and heads left.
  18. Zeus

    "I hope everybody's ok..," he thinks to himself.
    He continues to roam the empty halls.
  19. Stella: -runs quickly to a wall, teleporting out of the room and outside the school landing on my back, causing my eyes to change back to their normal color- How the hell? -groaning in pain as I slowly get up-